2021 WSP Annual Scientific Session Courses

ALTERNATIVES TO BONE GRAFTING with the Use of Narrow Diameter Implants and Osseodensification
Ziv Mazor

Course Description

The presentation will focus on the concept of using new innovative minimal invasive treatment approach as well as unconventional surgical manipulations dealing with the atrophic ridge. The new concept of “osseodensification” will be presented enabelling the clinician to preserve existing bone and enhance the outcome through a minimal invasive approach. With over 2 decades of scientific evidence reporting uncompromising reliability, narrow diameter implants signify a major shift in treating a greater range of patients. They are particularly appealing to those patients who previously declined implant treatment due to constraints of anatomy, fear or cost. Dentists everywhere are pausing to take note. Narrow diameter implants show high survival rates and are used clinically for immediate loading of fixed prostheses as their implant design provides high primary stability. Histological evaluation demonstrates a high bone-to-implant-contact-percentage (BIC%), similar to the BIC of conventional diameter implants. These unique implants help to avoid grafting techniques and improve esthetics with documented long-term success. The system reviewed in this course offers a full range of screw retained prosthetic options for overdentures, to single tooth, to full mouth reconstruction.

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the anatomical limitations associated with atrophic ridges before dental implant placement.
  • Learn how to utilize narrow diameter implants in challenging situations.
  • Understand the advantages of Osseodensification in osteotomy preparations.
  • Digitally Driven Dentistry – Utilizing Advancements in Science and Technology to Deliver Restorative Excellence
    Sundeep R. Rawal, DMD

    Course Description
    From treatment planning to design of definitive restorations, technology is changing the processes used to treat patients. Innovative softwares allow clinicians to use these newer technologies to make treatment protocols more efficient and less time consuming, especially from single tooth to complex full arch implant fixed therapies. Along with this shift in technology is the introduction of seamless end-to-end ecosystems which allows teams to work with digital workflows efficiently to deliver predictable outcomes, shorter treatment time, higher case acceptance, and immediate patient satisfaction. Technology enhances all phases of treatment from diagnostics to the provisional phase of therapy and coupled with definitive restorative innovations, these suites of state of the art concepts allow for the easiest way to deliver restorative excellence to our patients.

    Learning Objectives
  • Understand the concepts of digital data acquisition technology
  • Learn the potential synergies available when working within digital ecosystems
  • Develop techniques for utilization of innovation in everyday clinical practice
  • Gain knowledge on various applications of technology within a suite of software solutions
  • The Use of Bioactive Bone Grafts and Barriers in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
    Michael Sonick, DMD

    Course Description
    Bone grafting can be confusing. A multiplicity of techniques exists to regenerate bone around teeth (GTR) and in preparation for successful dental implant therapy (GBR). Ideal bone regeneration and wound healing is dependent upon choosing the proper surgical technique and correct combination of bone graft material, growth factor and barrier membrane. A bone grafting algorithm that leads to consistent success will be discussed.

    Learning Objectives
    • The types of bone grafts available
    • The value of a barrier membrane and how to use it
    • The use of growth factors in bone grafting success
    • How to combine and time grafting to achieve predictable success around teeth and in preparation for dental implant therapy
    Understanding Platelet Rich Fibrin: From Biological Background to Clinical Indications
    Richard J. Miron, DDS, MSc, PhD

    Course Description
    The use of platelet concentrates has had a long-history of use in various fields of medicine as an autologous source of growth factors fabricated utilizing centrifugation of blood under various conditions. While platelet rich plasma (PRP) was proposed as a first-generation platelet concentrate over 3 decades ago, over the past 10 years, platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has seen a steady increase in utilization for a variety of medical procedures due to its lack of anti-coagulation factors favoring fibrin clot formation and faster wound healing. More recently, the development of a liquid PRF provides a new formulation of liquid PRF without using anti-coagulation factors that may specifically be combined with currently available bone biomaterials favoring particle stability, angiogenesis and tissue integration. This talk aims to highlight the recent advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates including recent developments in horizontal centrifugation and liquid concentrated-PRF to further speed wound healing and tissue regeneration for various clinical indications faced in routine daily dental practice.

    Learning Objectives
    • Provide the biological background and scientific rationale for why platelet concentrates speed wound healing
    • Introduce new protocols using horizontal centrifugation
    • Provide clinical indications when, where and why to use PRF (membranes and liquid) in regenerative dentistry and facial esthetics
    LECTURE: Understanding Platelet Rich Fibrin: From Biological Background to Clinical Indications
    Richard J. Miron, DDS, MSc, PhD

    Course Description
    The use of platelet concentrates has had a long-history of use in various fields of medicine as an autologous source of growth factors fabricated utilizing centrifugation of blood under various conditions. While platelet rich plasma (PRP) was proposed as a first-generation platelet concentrate over 3 decades ago, over the past 10 years, platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has seen a steady increase in utilization for a variety of medical procedures due to its lack of anti-coagulation factors favoring fibrin clot formation and faster wound healing. More recently, the development of a liquid PRF provides a new formulation of liquid PRF without using anti-coagulation factors that may specifically be combined with currently available bone biomaterials favoring particle stability, angiogenesis and tissue integration. This talk aims to highlight the recent advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates including recent developments in horizontal centrifugation and liquid concentrated-PRF to further speed wound healing and tissue regeneration for various clinical indications faced in routine daily dental practice.

    Learning Objectives
    • Provide the biological background and scientific rationale for why platelet concentrates speed wound healing
    • Introduce new protocols using horizontal centrifugation
    • Provide clinical indications when, where and why to use PRF (membranes and liquid) in regenerative dentistry and facial esthetics

    HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: New Trends in PRF Therapy

    Course Description
    The use of platelet concentrates has had a long-history of use in various fields of medicine as an autologous source of growth factors fabricated utilizing centrifugation of blood under various conditions. While platelet rich plasma (PRP) was proposed as a first-generation platelet concentrate over 3 decades ago, over the past 10 years, platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has seen a steady increase in utilization for a variety of medical procedures due to its lack of anti-coagulation factors favoring fibrin clot formation and faster wound healing. More recently, the development of a liquid PRF provides a new formulation of liquid PRF without using anti-coagulation factors that may specifically be combined with currently available bone biomaterials favoring particle stability, angiogenesis and tissue integration. This talk aims to highlight the recent advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates including recent developments in horizontal centrifugation and liquid concentrated-PRF to further speed wound healing and tissue regeneration for various clinical indications faced in routine daily dental practice.

    Learning Objectives
    • Provide the biological background and scientific rationale for why platelet concentrates speed wound healing
    • Introduce new protocols using horizontal centrifugation
    • Provide clinical indications when, where and why to use PRF (membranes and liquid) in regenerative dentistry and facial esthetics
    GAP – Guided Augmentation Procedures – Biological and Indication-Based Augmentation Techniques in Combination with Ceramic Implants
    Rebekka Hueber, med. dent.

    Course Description
    Everyday surgical practice repeatedly presents us with the challenge of selecting the best method for vertical and horizontal bone augmentation from the many existing techniques. The GAP – Guided Augmentation Procedures – represent a concept that is structured according to clearly defined protocols and based on indications for each situation and provides clear instructions for each situation according to the “paint-by-numbers” principle. Taking into account the biological laws of bone formation, procedures that are stressful for the patient are also reduced by combining them with all-ceramic immediate implant placement techniques. The efficient development of the techniques significantly reduces the time spent, material requirements and costs for the user.

    Learning Objectives
    • Indication based biological augmentation techniques in conjunction with ceramic implants
    • Different augmentation techniques performing an external sinuslift
    • The perfect combination of platelet-rich-fibrine and bone graft according to the GUIDED AUGMENTATION PROCEDURES
    Innovations and Digital Workflows in Modern Prosthodontics
    Faraj Edher, DDS, MSC, DIP. PROS, FRCD(C)

    Course Description
    Advancements in technology and materials have changed the world of prosthodontics. These changes apply to the simplest and most complex restorative cases. This presentation will give a overview of innovations and modern techniques that make prosthodontic reconstructions more predictable, efficient, and durable.

    Learning Objectives
    • Overview on biomaterials for tooth-borne, implant, and removable restorations.
    • Understanding how to utilize a digital workflow from treatment planning to final restorations.
    • Introducing innovative ways to combine steps in the restorative workflow utilizing technology and modern materials.
    Periodontal Hard and Soft tissue Regenerative Therapy: Achieving Results for Maintenance and Longevity
    Marc L Nevins, DMD, MMSc

    Course Description
    Retention of the natural dentition, when feasible, remains an ideal goal in dentistry. Many treatment modalities in periodontics have demonstrated success in preserving teeth long-term when the disease is diagnosed and managed early. The focus will be on treatment decisions and evaluation of results and long-term management for advanced periodontal cases. The value of preserving the natural dentition specifically with teeth that exhibit advanced periodontitis will be presented. Complex lesions, such as those with furcation involvement, present one of the most challenging periodontal defects to treat. Comparative outcomes of regenerative techniques in furcation defects will be presented along with factors influencing long-term success. Regenerative therapeutic advances including regenerative techniques with biomaterials and laser therapy will be presented. Advanced softtissue grafting will also be presented.

    Learning Objectives
    • Understand the importance of making an accurate diagnosis
    • Identify the indications and limitations of regenerative therapy
    • Present technological advances including growth factors, lasers and advanced surgical techniques for soft tissue grafting
    Block Allografts an Alternative to Autogenous Grafting
    Dr. John Russo

    Course Description
    Autogenous block bone has been the gold standard for ridge augmentation due to its ability to maintain space as well as provide growth factors. Limitations to autogenous block grafting include volume of bone available intra-orally, as well as the morbidities associated with a second surgery site to harvest the donor tissue. This lecture will discuss and compare intra-oral bone block grafting with block allografts using rhBMP2. Several cases will be presented.

    Learning Objectives
    • Describe the advantages of block allografts compared to autogenous blocks.
    • List the limitations of block allografts.
    • Understand the importance of using a commercially available growth factor when performing a block allograft
    LECTURE: Unfolding Peri-implantitis
    Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD

    Course Description
    Implant complications have become a major challenge for many dentists who placed implants. This lecture is designed to help dentists who placed or restored implant understand what’s new in implant complications, how to avoid these problems and how to predictably mange this emerging concern. New definitions such as plaque induced peri-implantitis and non-plaque associated peri-implant diseases, predisposing and precipitating factors associated with peri-implant complications and treatment prognosis of peri-implant diseases will be presented. Recent research findings of how surface coating or the titanium particles influence the incidence of implant complications will be discussed. In addition, this lecture will provide the mechanisms (e.g., surgically triggered, prosthetically triggered and biological induced implant complications) of how implant bone loss and implant failure occurred. Specifically, how to manage implant esthetic and biological complications using EP-DDS protocol will be demonstrated. Three decision trees (implant biological complication management, implant treatment based upon defect morphology and implant soft tissue recession classification and proposed management) will be proposed. The treatments for implant diseases/complications include: chemotherapeutic agents, lasers de-contamination, apically positioned flap with or without implantoplasty, implant surface detoxification, lasers, guided bone regeneration, soft tissue grafts, implant removal as well as re-implantation will be thoroughly discussed.

    Learning Objectives
    • Describe the advantages of block allografts compared to autogenous blocks.
    • List the limitations of block allografts.
    • Understand the importance of using a commercially available growth factor when performing a block allograft

    LECTURE: Unfolding Peri-implantitis
    Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD

    Course Description
    Implant complications have become a major challenge for many dentists who placed implants. This lecture is designed to help dentists who placed or restored implant understand what’s new in implant complications, how to avoid these problems and how to predictably mange this emerging concern. New definitions such as plaque induced peri-implantitis and non-plaque associated peri-implant diseases, predisposing and precipitating factors associated with peri-implant complications and treatment prognosis of peri-implant diseases will be presented. Recent research findings of how surface coating or the titanium particles influence the incidence of implant complications will be discussed. In addition, this lecture will provide the mechanisms (e.g., surgically triggered, prosthetically triggered and biological induced implant complications) of how implant bone loss and implant failure occurred. Specifically, how to manage implant esthetic and biological complications using EP-DDS protocol will be demonstrated. Three decision trees (implant biological complication management, implant treatment based upon defect morphology and implant soft tissue recession classification and proposed management) will be proposed. The treatments for implant diseases/complications include: chemotherapeutic agents, lasers de-contamination, apically positioned flap with or without implantoplasty, implant surface detoxification, lasers, guided bone regeneration, soft tissue grafts, implant removal as well as re-implantation will be thoroughly discussed.

    Learning Objectives
    • Describe the advantages of block allografts compared to autogenous blocks.
    • List the limitations of block allografts.
    • Understand the importance of using a commercially available growth factor when performing a block allograft
    Lasers – Approaching a New Standard of Care in Managing Periodontitis and Peri-implant Disease
    Samuel B. Low, DDS, MS, M.Ed

    Course Description
    A recent landmark study demonstrates validity in managing periodontitis with all-tissue-lasers including clinical success with positive patient related outcomes and a concomitant decrease in recession. Similar data shows how Erbium laser wavelengths have been incorporated into procedures for treating peri implant disease with no adverse thermal events as to the integrity of implant surfaces. Dentistry is evolving into a minimally invasive culture with attention to positive patient perceptions and comfort.

    Learning Objectives
    • Develop an understanding of the Erbium wavelength as related to the effects on target tissue in both the periodontium and implants
    • Review the rationale for managing periodontitis as related to laser therapy
    • Explore the effect of Erbium lasers on various titanium surfaces as part of a detoxification process in managing peri implantitis
    • Demonstrate how the integration of a Er, Cr: YSGG laser into a practice of periodontics creates a positive niche for patient acceptance and value-added revenue stream
    HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: Management of Implant Complications via EP-DDS Treatment Protocol
    Course Description

    Give your practice a boost by harnessing laser technology with a positive result that manages effectively day to day periodontal to soft tissue patient conditions. We provide the practitioner on how to chose the right laser and apply simple techniques that result in precision, controlled bleeding, accelerated healing, reduced post-operative issues, shorter procedure time, and a more relaxed experience for the patient. Procedures include non-surgical (Laser bacterial reduction and curettage) surgical periodtics, frenectomy, gingivectomy, implant uncovering, implantitis, are presented considering coding and patient acceptance. You experience direct hands on activity with various lasers on a variety of models including the hog jaw.

    Learning Objectives
    • Understand indications for using laser in crown lengthening and pre -orthodontic procedures including esthetics
    • Consider case reports demonstrating success along with clear contraindications
    • Develop techniques for incorporating laser into a dental practice considering patient acceptance, third party coding
    • Differentiate laser technologies for periodontal indications (surgical and non-surgical)
    • Develop post-operative evaluation protocols assessing wound healing
    LECTURE AND WORKSHOP: Advanced 3D Imaging – Full Day Course
    Bruno Azevedo, DDS MS

    Course Description
    CBCT has significantly influenced how clinicians diagnose, treatment plan and manage cases in modern endodontic practice. This case-based presentation will highlight the principles, advantages and clinical applications of CBCT in endodontics. Lectures and cases will cover evidence-based practice techniques, focusing on advanced 3D navigation of small high resolution CBCT volumes.

    Learning Objectives
  • Justify the use of 3D imaging in Endodontics
  • Explain how the benefits of CBCT imaging overcome any potential risks associated with radiation dose
  • Be familiar with current technical advances in CBCT hardware and software
  • Use contemporary 3D imaging navigation techniques to minimize interpretation time and maximize diagnosis
  • Recognize advanced 3D anatomy of the mouth
  • Develop differential diagnosis for lesions associated with endodontic scans
  • Guided Bone Regeneration for Implant Therapy: Materials, Methods, and Scientific Rationale
    Jill Bashutski, DDS MS FRCD(C)

    Course Description
    Sufficient quality and quantity of bone is necessary for dental implant success. In cases where the bone is inadequate, guided bone regeneration (BGR) using a combination of bone graft materials, membranes, and biological agents can be used to improve the site. With the increasing prevalence of peri-implantitis, guided bone regeneration principles are also being used to treat peri-implant disease. This lecture will review basic principles of guided bone regeneration, including an overview of techniques and materials for implant applications. Participants will leave with an understanding of the most current evidence-based treatment recommendations for guided bone regeneration to facilitate implant therapy. Emerging techniques and translational research to support new developments in the field will also be presented.

    Learning Objectives
    • Describe the rationale for bone regeneration in implant site preparation and peri-implantitis applications
    • Explain the different materials available to facilitate guided bone regeneration for implant therapy and the scientific rationale for their use
    • Understand new developments and techniques in the field of guided bone regeneration
    Immediate Implant Placement & Aesthetics
    Joseph Kan, DDS, MS

    Course Description
    Anterior implant esthetics can often pose esthetic challenges. We will discuss protocols that have been used in order to obtain successful long-term outcomes during implant therapy in the anterior zone.
    New Patient Growth thru Digital Marketing
    Ian McNickle, MBA

    Course Description
    In this seminar we will explore the most important aspects of online marketing for dentists including website optimization, social media, online reviews / reputation management, SEO for Google rankings, PPC for new patient leads, and videos. Case studies will be used throughout the program to illustrate best practices. We will review how to track and measure results as well as how to determine Return on Investment.

    Learning Objectives
  • Discuss recommended marketing services and budget for best results
  • How to properly optimize a website to convert new patient leads
  • SEO best practices to rank high on Google
  • Review typical ROI (Return on Investment) for new patient generation
  • Raving Patients: Get Visible, Get Credible: Get More New Patients
    Leonard F. Tau, DMD, PC

    Course Description
    Word of mouth has always been the foundation for the acquisition of new patients by a dental practice but in our internet age, word of mouth is transformed because of reviews sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Online reviews are now one of the biggest ranking factors in a local search. Being credible is only one piece of the puzzle though. Your practice also needs to be found online when people are searching for a dentist near them. Are you at the top of the Google Map Pack? If not you are invisible and all of those great reviews are not doing you much good. In this seminar Dr. Tau shares numerous tips and best practices to not only become credible but visible online. He will also discuss the system that has been tried and tested in his own office enabling him to take his practice to the next level simply by marketing his reputation.

    Learning Objectives
    • Understand the importance of taking control of your online presence
    • Learn software programs that help manage your reputation
    • See why your practice may not be ranking as high as it could be
    • Discuss ways in which patient reviews can manifest online
    • Develop strategies for garnering positive patient reviews
    • Review team training tips for garnering positive feedback
    Zygomatic And Pterygoid Dental Implants
    Alexandre-Amir Aalam, DDS, FICD

    Course Description
    The increasing number of poorly placed dental implants and related complications are contributing to the increase of completely edentulous patients in our society. Zygomatic and Pterygoid dental implants are often used as rescue implants or as the last treatment option available for those with severely atrophic maxillary jaws and challenging patients. When indicated and executed properly they will provide the patient with sufficient basal anchorage to support an immediately loaded restoration, reduce the anterior posterior spread and reduce the distal cantilever.

    Learning Objectives
    • Discuss the advantages and indications for the Zygomatic and Pterygoid treatment concept
    • Learn about the treatment flow chart and classification
    • See why your practice may not be ranking as high as it could be
    • Discuss the importance of proper soft tissue manipulation to avoid complications
    • Understand the importance of a sound digital work flow to improve the maintenance of the surgical integration of these implants
    Successful Business Structures: The Keys to Protecting Your Assets, Estate, and Income
    Art McOmber

    Course Description
    Learn how to protect your business and personal assets from litigation during this in-depth discussion on proper entity structuring, tax reduction and Medical License Protection. More and more lawsuits are exceeding the limits and caps of most insurance policies; it is more important than ever to use the proper legal structure to protect your Practice. Your Medical License is the most important asset you own, learn how to protect it forever. Invest in anything Tax-Free using The Investment Grade Insurance Contract, and ultimately gain the freedom to run your Practice without worrying about protecting your hard-earned income from legal predators at this session.

    Learning Objectives
  • How the financially independent like Warren Buffett set themselves apart using Tax Strategies.
  • The proper legal structure for your business to maximize income tax reduction, The LLLP
  • The importance of Using the IGIC to virtually Invest in anything Tax-Free
  • How to avoid probate and leave a tax-free estate
  • How to eliminate losses from lawsuits not covered by insurance
  • How to protect your Dental License from reports to the NPDB and State Boards and ultimately stop sanctions on your Dental license
  • The Balance of Success and Complications Associated with Oral Implant Rehabilitation
    Dr. Ira Sy, DDS, MS

    Course Description

    Over the past few decades, oral implant therapy has been increasingly popular  as a treatment of choice. Although implants have shown to be highly predictable, there  has also been an increase in various complications derived from surgical and  prosthetic interventions. Some of these problems have led to acute and chronic  infections. This program will review clinically some of the treatment planning strategies  to prevent iatrogenic complications. These include the lack of ideal biological position  of implant fixtures due to insufficient alveolar and gingival topography as well as poor  three dimensional positioning. A combination of these various factors may lead to the  potential of loss of tissue, affect osseointegration, and suprastructure integrity. 

    Furthermore, we will evaluate and treatment plan by creating a blueprint for  patients who require implant assisted reconstruction in the aesthetic zone. Some of  the factors for discussion and presentation will include analyzing treatment indications,  techniques for provisionalizaton, and guided tissue profiling to enhance our prosthetic  and surgical outcome. These key factors in our discussion will help clinicians learn how  to “see the end result before you start” and have a better understanding of the  prevention and management of complications related to implant assisted therapy.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon the completion of this course, participants will have a better understanding to: 

    • Effectively treatment plan and minimize future complications 
    • Manage most common implant-related complications
    • Avoiding long term aesthetic complications 
    • Understand the importance of three dimensional positioning as it relates to surgical and prosthetic therapy

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