Periodontal Abstracts
The official journal of the Western Society of Periodontology. Quarterly, it reaches all members in addition to hundreds of subscribers in the US and throughout the World. “Periodontal Abstracts” is a two-time award-winning, 65 year-old journal which contains abstracts of current peer reviewed Periodontal and Dental Implant literature from scientific journals worldwide. It contains original articles, editorials and case reports, as well. Recognized by the National Library of Science as a journal of significance, articles from the journal are cited on Pub-Med. It is published in print and mailed, and offered in digital form.

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Information for Contributors or for those wishing to submit an article for Publication.
In an attempt to maintain consistency, the Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology uses a basic format for publication submission.
Periodontal Abstracts the Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology publishes original contributions of several types: Original Research: Reports of basic or clinical research on the etiology, diagnosis, and/or treatment of periodontal disease. Review Articles: Critical surveys of the important areas of basic or clinical periodontology.
Abstracts: Abstracts of clinical or laboratory studies related to the field of periodontology are accepted equally. Content should clearly state in outline form the background and purpose of the study, the methods and procedures utilized, the results, and the conclusions in a brief, concise format (300 words or less).
Book Reviews: Reviews of dental and medical texts related to periodontology. One to two typewritten paragraphs providing a general overview of the text.
Clinician-Corner: Comments from readers on areas of clinical interest. The Journal welcomes such contributions.
Letters to the Editors: Clear and concise letters commenting on reports published in The Journal. Letters selected for publication are rst referred to the authors for a response if they desire.
Manuscript Preparation
Two clear copies of the manuscript and all illustrative material (photographic prints, tables, and diagrams) should be submitted. Authors should retain a copy of the manuscript for their own use. Periodontal Abstracts will promptly acknowledge receipt of all manuscripts.
All manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper. Two title pages should be submitted, one of which gives the title of the article, name(s) of author(s), affiliations of each author, acknowledgements of grant support, etc. the name and address of the author to whom correspondence may be sent should appear at the bottom of the front title page. The second title page, which is used when the manuscript is out for anonymous review, should contain only the title. Neither title page should contain any manuscript text. The Chicago Manual of Style is the accepted reference for any questions relating to style. All references should be listed in order of appearance, and references to journals should include the name(s) of author(s), article title, journal name, year, volume (number): inclusive page numbers. References to books should include the name(s) of author(s), title, edition, page numbers, location and name of publisher, and year of publication.
Listgarten MA. A rationale for monitoring the periodontal microbiota after periodontal treatment. J Periodontol 1988;59(3):439-443
Malamed SF. Sedation: A Guide to Patient Management C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1985, pp. 166-169.
All tables should have titles, and uncommon abbreviations should be explained. Drawings and charts should be submitted either as India-ink originals on white paper, or as glossy photographic prints. Illustrations should be numbered on the back, with the top indicated. An appropriate legend should be provided for each illustration, typed separately and not on the illustrations themselves. Authors may indicate the place in the text to which an illustration relates, although Journal format may determine the location. Excessive alterations of type or illustrations on proof will be charged to the author.
Submission of Manuscripts
All manuscripts and correspondence should be addressed to:
The Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology 1100 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite F, Hermosa Beach, California 90254
Please also email the same to:
Manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed by members of the Editorial Standards and Review Committee to determine their acceptability for publication in The Journal.
Contributions are considered for publication on condition that they are contributed solely to The Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology, Periodontal Abstracts. All articles, reviews, and abstracts accepted for publication become the property of the Western Society of Periodontology. Upon a manuscript’s acceptance, the authors will be required to transfer all rights, including copyright, to The Journal. Material in The Journal may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of educational or scientific advancement.
Fifty overprints will be provided to the author.