Bone Regeneration Symposium Courses

The Stepping Stones of Bone Grafting that Shaped the Direction of Periodontics

Thomas J. Kepic, DDS, MS

course description:

Take a 60-minute journey through the history of bone grafting to learn how this field has developed. Through a carefully curated list of the most important studies, you will learn the science and successes that have shaped modern bone grafting and regeneration. Just as with artists who were underappreciated in their time, you will see how seemingly interesting or controversial findings became significant steppingstones that have propelled our field forward

Take a 60-minute journey through the history of bone grafting to learn how this field has developed. Through a carefully curated list of the most important studies, you will learn the science and successes that have shaped modern bone grafting and regeneration. Just as with artists who were underappreciated in their time, you will see how seemingly interesting or controversial findings became significant steppingstones that have propelled our field forward


  • Understand the benefits, indications and the handling properties of Ti-Mesh used for implant site development using Titanium Mesh
  • Discuss the key factors for its success including surgical handling, material usage, phenotype modification, and treatment of complications.
  • Understanding the application of the updated 10 Keys Concept with the use of Ti-mesh for long-term clinical and radio graphic success.


  • Understand the benefits, indications and the handling properties of Ti-Mesh used for implant site development using Titanium Mesh
  • Discuss the key factors for its success including surgical handling, material usage, phenotype modification, and treatment of complications.
  • Understanding the application of the updated 10 Keys Concept with the use of Ti-mesh for long-term clinical and radio graphic success.

“The Benefits of Super-Charging YOUR Bone Grafts with Bioactive Modifiers: Keys to Consistent Clinical Success.”

Robert A. Levine DDS, FCPP, FISPPS

course description:

Dr. Levine’s will discuss his most recent 2022 Ti-Mesh publication in The International Journal of Periodontal & & Restorative Dentistry of 58 Maxillary Ti-Mesh cases in 48 patients which will be used as a guide for describing its use and key factors for its success. The understanding and application of the “10 Keys” Checklist will be shared including when phenotype modification is indicated and recommended.

Dr. Levine will cover various aspects of diagnosis, treatment planning and surgical management using his over 35 years of full-time clinical, clinical research and teaching experiences. The topics to be covered include “predictable” evidenced-based treatment protocols including the benefits of bio-active modifiers mixed with bone grafts (allograft, xenografts) for implant site development techniques including ridge preservation, ridge-split, and titanium-mesh (horizontal and vertical ridge reconstruction). In addition, single immediate implant placement to full arch immediate loading protocols will be reviewed that he implemented in 1994 for full arch immediate loading, i.e. Same Day Smile®. Dr. Levine will emphasize the careful diagnosis and management of soft and hard tissues and their appropriate sequence in therapy when insufficiencies exist and indications for bone grafting material used: when and why. Practice management “pearls” will be shared for improving case acceptance and how the “Team Approach” can make this process seamless, successful, and personally rewarding.

 The “10 Keys for Successful Esthetic-Zone Single Immediate Implants” suggest that a team protocol, if strictly followed sequentially, would provide high predictability in preventing implant complications. The proposed updated “10 Keys” clinical checklist, has been confirmed in 4 retrospective CBCT-clinical studies maxillary central incisor sites treated by Dr. Levine in practice ensures high esthetic success rates and happy patients (based on PES/WES and PROMS). These studies along with case report publications of Dr. Levine has been co-authored with Dr. Mauricio Araujo (University of Maringa, Brazil) and members of the “10 Keys Periodontal and will be reviewed with applications for its use in also non-esthetic implant sites. In 2021, he created and leads the “10 Keys Implant-Perio Clinical Research Group” with 16 clinical researchers from eight universities from around the world.


  • Recognize the benefits of the use of biologic modifiers to aid in faster soft and hard tissue healing in the various surgical applications that periodontists perform daily.

  • Discuss the benefits of the use of various bone grafting materials and when used (allograft vs. xenograft).

  • Understand the principles of the “10 Keys to Esthetic Zone Success for Single Immediate Implants” from single tooth to full arch immediate loading protocols

  • Discuss the benefits of soft tissue alternatives used for “Phenotype Modification.”



  • Recognize the benefits of the use of biologic modifiers to aid in faster soft and hard tissue healing in the various surgical applications that periodontists perform daily.

  • Discuss the benefits of the use of various bone grafting materials and when used (allograft vs. xenograft).

  • Understand the principles of the “10 Keys to Esthetic Zone Success for Single Immediate Implants” from single tooth to full arch immediate loading protocols

  • Discuss the benefits of soft tissue alternatives used for “Phenotype Modification.”

“Recession Regeneration” Treatment for Recession Defects

Jeffrey Ganeles, DMD, FACD

course description:

Gingival recession results from the loss of soft tissue, bone, and periodontal ligament. Most root coverage procedures have limitations. Autografts are limited by donor site morbidity and volume. Allografts avoid these problems but heal by repair and long junctional epithelial attachment. Alternatively, coronally positioning flaps in combination with FDBA and pharmaceutically produced PDGFbb, “Recession Regeneration” covers ex-posed roots with regenerated periodontal tissues including new cementum, periodontal ligament, bone, and gingiva. Additionally, the technique offers off-the-shelf convenience, avoids palatal donor sites, and provides excellent esthetics. It can also be combined with other periodontal regenerative techniques to enhance outcomes in cases of periodontal defects. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the technique, evidence for the claims of regeneration, clinical examples of results, and a brief overview of an ongoing case series

Gingival recession results from the loss of soft tissue, bone, and periodontal ligament. Most root coverage procedures have limitations. Autografts are limited by donor site morbidity and volume. Allografts avoid these problems but heal by repair and long junctional epithelial attachment. Alternatively, coronally positioning flaps in combination with FDBA and pharmaceutically produced PDGFbb, “Recession Regeneration” covers ex-posed roots with regenerated periodontal tissues including new cementum, periodontal ligament, bone, and gingiva. Additionally, the technique offers off-the-shelf convenience, avoids palatal donor sites, and provides excellent esthetics. It can also be combined with other periodontal regenerative techniques to enhance outcomes in cases of periodontal defects. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the technique, evidence for the claims of regeneration, clinical examples of results, and a brief overview of an ongoing case series


  • Understand the biological principles of “recession regeneration”
  • View opportunities to utilize “recession regeneration” to correct significant recession and periodontal defects
  • Differentiate between the repair of recession compared to the regeneration of them


  • Understand the biological principles of “recession regeneration”
  • View opportunities to utilize “recession regeneration” to correct significant recession and periodontal defects
  • Differentiate between the repair of recession compared to the regeneration of them

The Incorporation of a Bioactive Barrier, BioXclude, and Other Biologically Enhanced Materials into Surgical Procedures for Saving and/or Replacing Teeth and Dental Implants

Robert A. Horowitz, DDS

course description:

As a periodontist, I have a few major goals in patient treatment. In my office, primary is the maintenance or improvement of the patient’s current dentition. This can either be through physical and/or cosmetic enhancement of the teeth or implants that are present upon examination. Teeth that need to be replaced require extraction with simultaneous or delayed implant placement. These surgeries are always associated with bone regenerative grafting based on literature and histological validation. Gingival and/or alveolar conditions have to be improved where site collapse has previously occurred. To optimize results and improve the predictability of the desired physical and/or aesthetic outcome entails the incorpo- ration of bioactive materials. Principal amongst these grafts, barriers and enhancers that I depend on to get ideal surgical results is BioXclude, a highly researched amnion/chorion barrier. This barrier has been shown to contain growth factors, binding proteins and is anti-infective. These characteristics all help my patients, many of whom have poor home care and/or may be medically compromised in some way, predictably heal with ideal results

As a periodontist, I have a few major goals in patient treatment. In my office, primary is the maintenance or improvement of the patient’s current dentition. This can either be through physical and/or cosmetic enhancement of the teeth or implants that are present upon examination. Teeth that need to be replaced require extraction with simultaneous or delayed implant placement. These surgeries are always associated with bone regenerative grafting based on literature and histological validation. Gingival and/or alveolar conditions have to be improved where site collapse has previously occurred. To optimize results and improve the predictability of the desired physical and/or aesthetic outcome entails the incorpo- ration of bioactive materials. Principal amongst these grafts, barriers and enhancers that I depend on to get ideal surgical results is BioXclude, a highly researched amnion/chorion barrier. This barrier has been shown to contain growth factors, binding proteins and is anti-infective. These characteristics all help my patients, many of whom have poor home care and/or may be medically compromised in some way, predictably heal with ideal results


  • The differences between “passive” and bioactive barriers.
  • Enhanced results of grafting with growth factors will be shown with a bioactive amnion/chorion barrier which does not preclude stem cell migration into treated defects.
  • How incorporating growth factors/enhancers combined with a bioactive amnion/chorion barrier can predictably save teeth and improve implant sites.


  • The differences between “passive” and bioactive barriers.
  • Enhanced results of grafting with growth factors will be shown with a bioactive amnion/chorion barrier which does not preclude stem cell migration into treated defects.
  • How incorporating growth factors/enhancers combined with a bioactive amnion/chorion barrier can predictably save teeth and improve implant sites.

LECTURE: Selecting Biomaterials for Predictable Bone and Periodontal Regeneration

Richard J. Miron, DDS, MSc, PhD

course description:

New and innovative biomaterials are being discovered or created at an unprecedented rate, but many of them remain entirely foreign to practicing clinicians. This talk addresses this gap in knowledge by sum- marizing some of the ground-breaking research performed to date on this topic and providing case exam- ples of these biomaterials at work. The talk will begin by reviewing standard bone grafting materials utilized for extraction site management, sinus grafting, guided bone regeneration, contour grafting and intrabony/furcation regeneration. The principles of guided tissue/bone regeneration will be covered in detail including many recent advancements in barrier membrane technologies as well as use of platelet-rich fibrin and various recombinant growth factors. Lastly, a sneak-peek at upcoming biomaterials that have been in development over the last 2 years, not yet clinical available, will be presented. The final section of the lecture is designed to help clinicians select appropriate biomaterials for each specific clinical section protocol. This talk aims to educate clinicians on the how and why to utilize biomaterials in an appropriate, predictable, and evidence-based manner.

New and innovative biomaterials are being discovered or created at an unprecedented rate, but many of them remain entirely foreign to practicing clinicians. This talk addresses this gap in knowledge by sum- marizing some of the ground-breaking research performed to date on this topic and providing case exam- ples of these biomaterials at work. The talk will begin by reviewing standard bone grafting materials utilized for extraction site management, sinus grafting, guided bone regeneration, contour grafting and intrabony/furcation regeneration. The principles of guided tissue/bone regeneration will be covered in detail including many recent advancements in barrier membrane technologies as well as use of platelet-rich fibrin and various recombinant growth factors. Lastly, a sneak-peek at upcoming biomaterials that have been in development over the last 2 years, not yet clinical available, will be presented. The final section of the lecture is designed to help clinicians select appropriate biomaterials for each specific clinical section protocol. This talk aims to educate clinicians on the how and why to utilize biomaterials in an appropriate, predictable, and evidence-based manner.


  • Classification of bone grafting materials. Current uses and percentages utilized materials in North America
  • When autogenous, when allografts, when xenografts and when alloplasts?
  • Updates following 3 years of clinical use ofTetranite: A novel bone adhesive inspired by underwater marine proteins
  • Introduction to Graft-Oss: Simplified bone grafting for implant dentistry


  • Classification of bone grafting materials. Current uses and percentages utilized materials in North America
  • When autogenous, when allografts, when xenografts and when alloplasts?
  • Updates following 3 years of clinical use ofTetranite: A novel bone adhesive inspired by underwater marine proteins
  • Introduction to Graft-Oss: Simplified bone grafting for implant dentistry

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: New Trends in PRF Therapy

Richard J. Miron, DDS, MSc, PhD

course description:

This hands-on course will cover all the new advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates. These will cover how to make custom-shaped PRF grafts, how to better concentrate liquid-PRF and will provide a better understanding for optimization of the protocols utilized in every day dental practice. Thereafter, the Bio-Heat technology will be presented. This will cover the heating steps necessary to extend the working properties of PRF from a fast-resorbing 2–3-week membrane towards a membrane that lasts 4-6 months. Various protocols will be demonstrated whereby clinicians will learn how to make an extended-PRF membrane that lasts 4-6 months, as well as how to make a novel sticky bone that contains an outer e-PRF membrane that may be utilized for ridge augmentation procedures.

This hands-on course will cover all the new advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates. These will cover how to make custom-shaped PRF grafts, how to better concentrate liquid-PRF and will provide a better understanding for optimization of the protocols utilized in every day dental practice. Thereafter, the Bio-Heat technology will be presented. This will cover the heating steps necessary to extend the working properties of PRF from a fast-resorbing 2–3-week membrane towards a membrane that lasts 4-6 months. Various protocols will be demonstrated whereby clinicians will learn how to make an extended-PRF membrane that lasts 4-6 months, as well as how to make a novel sticky bone that contains an outer e-PRF membrane that may be utilized for ridge augmentation procedures.


  • Optimization of protocols for any centrifugation device
  • Update on Bio-Heat technology and the ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months
  • Improve cell and growth factor release using concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) protocols when compared to traditional injectable-PRF (i-PRF) on any centrifugation device
  • Launch of the Bio-Cool technology
  • Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF
  • Coupon code for Free access to an online 8CE program at
  • Anti-inflammatory and M2 macrophage polarization-promoting effect of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes


  • Optimization of protocols for any centrifugation device
  • Update on Bio-Heat technology and the ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months
  • Improve cell and growth factor release using concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) protocols when compared to traditional injectable-PRF (i-PRF) on any centrifugation device
  • Launch of the Bio-Cool technology
  • Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF
  • Coupon code for Free access to an online 8CE program at
  • Anti-inflammatory and M2 macrophage polarization-promoting effect of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes

Form with Function: Current Standards in Tissue Preservation and Implant Site Development

Rodrigo Neiva, DDS, MS

course description:

Historically, alveolar ridge preservation and development have focused on volumetric changes with little attention to tissue quality. The aim of this presentation is to discuss possible advantages, disadvantages, and realistic short- and long-term expectations of traditional methods of alveolar ridge development for implant therapy and to discuss potential advantages and limitations of new techniques and materials designed to maximize tissue quality. At the end of this presentation, clinicians should be able to know and understand:

Historically, alveolar ridge preservation and development have focused on volumetric changes with little attention to tissue quality. The aim of this presentation is to discuss possible advantages, disadvantages, and realistic short- and long-term expectations of traditional methods of alveolar ridge development for implant therapy and to discuss potential advantages and limitations of new techniques and materials designed to maximize tissue quality. At the end of this presentation, clinicians should be able to know and understand:


  • Rationale for site preservation
  • New materials and techniques
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Material selection based on material properties and features


  • Rationale for site preservation
  • New materials and techniques
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Material selection based on material properties and features

Predictable Osseous Regeneration: Strategies for Simple to Complex Ridge Preservation and Augmentation

Harjit Singh Sehgal, BDS, MS, FAGE

course description:

Skills to prevent and correct alveolar ridge deficiencies are crucial for the practice of implant dentistry. This presentation will focus on the core principles of bone healing and the use of various regenerative materials and techniques to achieve successful clinical outcomes. Various clinical scenarios will be presented to demonstrate an efficacious application of these principles in achieving predictable regeneration

Skills to prevent and correct alveolar ridge deficiencies are crucial for the practice of implant dentistry. This presentation will focus on the core principles of bone healing and the use of various regenerative materials and techniques to achieve successful clinical outcomes. Various clinical scenarios will be presented to demonstrate an efficacious application of these principles in achieving predictable regeneration

LECTURE: Phenotype Modification Therapy: A Paradigm Shift in the Management of Gingival Recession/Peri-Implant Mucosal Defects.

Homa H. Zadeh, DDS, PhD

course description:

Phenotype modification therapy (PMT) has been adopted as the primary therapeutic objective in the management of gingival recession and peri-implant mucosal defects. It is now realized that the periodontal and peri-implant phenotype can affect the stability of periodontal and peri-implant tissues. Improved understanding of the risk factors/indicators refined surgical techniques, availability of scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix and biologics to enhance wound healing have contributed to improved outcomes. The present presentation describes the scientific evidence for current strategies utilized in the management of gingival recession/peri-implant mucosal defects.

Phenotype modification therapy (PMT) has been adopted as the primary therapeutic objective in the management of gingival recession and peri-implant mucosal defects. It is now realized that the periodontal and peri-implant phenotype can affect the stability of periodontal and peri-implant tissues. Improved understanding of the risk factors/indicators refined surgical techniques, availability of scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix and biologics to enhance wound healing have contributed to improved outcomes. The present presentation describes the scientific evidence for current strategies utilized in the management of gingival recession/peri-implant mucosal defects.


  • Educational objectives: at the conclusion of this presentation, participants should have an understanding of:
  • Significance of periodontal and peri-implant mucosal phenotype in long-term stability of tissues.
  • Decision making on when phenotype modification therapy is necessary and whether augmentation of mucosa and/or periodontal and peri-implant bone augmentation is needed.
  • Material selection: connective tissue (palate and tuberosity), acellular dermis allograft, collagen matrix xenograft, platelet-fibrin concentrates, growth factors.
  • Integration of various phases of therapy to optimize outcomes.


  • Educational objectives: at the conclusion of this presentation, participants should have an understanding of:
  • Significance of periodontal and peri-implant mucosal phenotype in long-term stability of tissues.
  • Decision making on when phenotype modification therapy is necessary and whether augmentation of mucosa and/or periodontal and peri-implant bone augmentation is needed.
  • Material selection: connective tissue (palate and tuberosity), acellular dermis allograft, collagen matrix xenograft, platelet-fibrin concentrates, growth factors.
  • Integration of various phases of therapy to optimize outcomes.

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: Practical Experience in Phenotype Modification Therapy (PMT) for the Management of Gingival Recession/Peri-Implant Mucosal Defects.

Homa H. Zadeh, DDS, PhD

course description:

The significance of phenotype modification therapy (PMT) for the management of gingival recession and peri-implant mucosal defects has been recognized. PMT involves soft tissue and/or bone augmentation. VISTA is an effective surgical approach that can be used for both soft tissue and bone augmentation around teeth and implants. This hands-on workshop is designed to provide practical experience with PMT using VISTA for the management of gingival recession/peri-implant mucosal defects.

The significance of phenotype modification therapy (PMT) for the management of gingival recession and peri-implant mucosal defects has been recognized. PMT involves soft tissue and/or bone augmentation. VISTA is an effective surgical approach that can be used for both soft tissue and bone augmentation around teeth and implants. This hands-on workshop is designed to provide practical experience with PMT using VISTA for the management of gingival recession/peri-implant mucosal defects.


  • Educational objectives: at the conclusion of this presentation, participants should have an understanding of:
  • Significance of periodontal and peri-implant mucosal phenotype in long-term stability of tissues.
  • Decision making on when phenotype modification therapy is necessary and whether augmentation of mucosa and/or periodontal and peri-implant bone augmentation is needed.
  • Material selection: connective tissue (palate and tuberosity), acellular dermis allograft, collagen matrix xenograft, platelet-fibrin concentrates, growth factors.
  • Integration of various phases of therapy to optimize outcomes


  • Educational objectives: at the conclusion of this presentation, participants should have an understanding of:
  • Significance of periodontal and peri-implant mucosal phenotype in long-term stability of tissues.
  • Decision making on when phenotype modification therapy is necessary and whether augmentation of mucosa and/or periodontal and peri-implant bone augmentation is needed.
  • Material selection: connective tissue (palate and tuberosity), acellular dermis allograft, collagen matrix xenograft, platelet-fibrin concentrates, growth factors.
  • Integration of various phases of therapy to optimize outcomes

Attaining Consistent Osseous Regeneration Through Blood Biologics & Surgical-Prosthetic Synergy

Dr. Bobby Birdi, BSc, DMD, MSc, Dip. Perio, Dip. Pros., FRCD(C), FACP, DABP

course description:

This presentation will highlight how the use of blood biologics (hcPRP & L-PRF) in conjunction with osseous augmentation can provide consistent results utilizing simple principles. The importance of synergy between prosthetic treatment planning & surgical treatment sequencing will also be showcased. The specific indications for use of bovine, autogenous, and allograft will also be discussed.

This presentation will highlight how the use of blood biologics (hcPRP & L-PRF) in conjunction with osseous augmentation can provide consistent results utilizing simple principles. The importance of synergy between prosthetic treatment planning & surgical treatment sequencing will also be showcased. The specific indications for use of bovine, autogenous, and allograft will also be discussed.


  • Understanding the benefits of blood biologics in osseous augmentation
  • Understanding the importance of surgical-prosthetic synergy in osseous augmentation results
  • Understand the reasoning for the specific use of various osseous materials


  • Understanding the benefits of blood biologics in osseous augmentation
  • Understanding the importance of surgical-prosthetic synergy in osseous augmentation results
  • Understand the reasoning for the specific use of various osseous materials

Emerging Strategies for Treatment of Peri-Implantitis

Andrea Ravidà, NPI

course description:

The treatment of peri-implantitis has become a major challenge for many dentists who place implants. Dr. Ravidà will discuss evidence-based strategies for management of complex implant-related biological complications in the aesthetic zone and other areas of the mouth. Special emphasis will be placed on the impact of the morphology and severity of peri-implant bone defects on the outcome of reconstructive treatment

The treatment of peri-implantitis has become a major challenge for many dentists who place implants. Dr. Ravidà will discuss evidence-based strategies for management of complex implant-related biological complications in the aesthetic zone and other areas of the mouth. Special emphasis will be placed on the impact of the morphology and severity of peri-implant bone defects on the outcome of reconstructive treatment


  • Learn how to classify and treat different types of infrabony defect around dental implant
  • Step by step review of the submerged healing approach for surgical reconstructive treatment of infraosseous peri-implantitis defects
  • Learn how to increasing predictability of soft and hard tissue regeneration utilizing rhPDGF


  • Learn how to classify and treat different types of infrabony defect around dental implant
  • Step by step review of the submerged healing approach for surgical reconstructive treatment of infraosseous peri-implantitis defects
  • Learn how to increasing predictability of soft and hard tissue regeneration utilizing rhPDGF

Manage, Repair or Regenerate: Maintenance and Home-Care

Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS

course description:

The research, tools, and biologic products are now available to regenerate bone and tissue- not simply ‘manage or repair’ it! As dental professionals, we need to understand and recognize the optimal time for a guided tissue/bone regenerative procedure. What should dental hygienists know about regenerative procedures, maintenance following procedures, and patient home-care recommendations. This course will provide you with the latest research-based tools, technology, protocols, and home-care recommendations for your patients’ regenerative procedures.

The research, tools, and biologic products are now available to regenerate bone and tissue- not simply ‘manage or repair’ it! As dental professionals, we need to understand and recognize the optimal time for a guided tissue/bone regenerative procedure. What should dental hygienists know about regenerative procedures, maintenance following procedures, and patient home-care recommendations. This course will provide you with the latest research-based tools, technology, protocols, and home-care recommendations for your patients’ regenerative procedures.


  • Elevate your professional in-office protocols for gingivitis and periodontal disease treatment.
  • Learn WHAT is the hygienists’ role with regeneration – Glickman and Miller Classification and when is the optimal time for guided tissue/ bone regeneration (GTR/ GBR).
  • Be able to recommend the proper maintenance and home-care protocols specifically for after regenerative procedures and beyond


  • Elevate your professional in-office protocols for gingivitis and periodontal disease treatment.
  • Learn WHAT is the hygienists’ role with regeneration – Glickman and Miller Classification and when is the optimal time for guided tissue/ bone regeneration (GTR/ GBR).
  • Be able to recommend the proper maintenance and home-care protocols specifically for after regenerative procedures and beyond


WARNING: Graphic Photographs Ahead

Katrina M. Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF

course description:

While the rest of the world may quiver with churned stomachs, one of the best traits of a dental professional is their excitement and joy around graphic oral diseased cases. Despite the oftentimes ‘colorful’ nature of the oral disease, these cases offer an incredible learning opportunity, particularly in the importance of early and definitive intervention. Join Katrina M Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF for a dental rendition of ‘Dr. Pimple Popper’ as she presents graphic photographs of surgical cases requiring periodontal therapy. This will be your final warning: there WILL be graphic photos ahead

While the rest of the world may quiver with churned stomachs, one of the best traits of a dental professional is their excitement and joy around graphic oral diseased cases. Despite the oftentimes ‘colorful’ nature of the oral disease, these cases offer an incredible learning opportunity, particularly in the importance of early and definitive intervention. Join Katrina M Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF for a dental rendition of ‘Dr. Pimple Popper’ as she presents graphic photographs of surgical cases requiring periodontal therapy. This will be your final warning: there WILL be graphic photos ahead


  • Review appropriate surgical cases for periodontal referral
  • Identify options for treatment planning of detailed periodontal therapy in an efficient, detailed, and strategic method
  • Describe short and long-term goals for periodontal patients that are measurable and attainable


  • Review appropriate surgical cases for periodontal referral
  • Identify options for treatment planning of detailed periodontal therapy in an efficient, detailed, and strategic method
  • Describe short and long-term goals for periodontal patients that are measurable and attainable

“Are You’re Patients Too Sensitive?” Addressing Oral Hypersensitivity/Pain Management with Today’s Patients

William Paveletz, DMD

course description:

Caries infection has increased in today’s population and continues to be a major disease for children and adults. This course discusses the impact of Nanotechnology on today’s preventative and restorative materials. Attendees will have a “hands-on forum” to provide their dental teams with new findings on today’s desensitizes, fluoride applications and dental tooth creams used to combat patient’s current symptoms and effectively handle pain management.

Caries infection has increased in today’s population and continues to be a major disease for children and adults. This course discusses the impact of Nanotechnology on today’s preventative and restorative materials. Attendees will have a “hands-on forum” to provide their dental teams with new findings on today’s desensitizes, fluoride applications and dental tooth creams used to combat patient’s current symptoms and effectively handle pain management.


  • Gain an understanding of new research findings that can contribute to the evidence for application of varnish with chemotherapeutic fluoride treatment
  • Understand the findings of recent research exploring how dental practitioners are using scientific evidence in their patient treatment decisions and patient counseling
  • Attendees will learn about the method of applying Xylitol containing, natural and artificial-based fluoride treatments and Nano filled tooth creams
  • Understand how to discuss options with your patient to better manage their sensitivity and pain issues that occur when they neglect their oral health
  • Understand the correct 2020 CDT coding for hygiene procedures and incorporate certain hygiene procedures in daily patient discussions to increase profitability in the office


  • Gain an understanding of new research findings that can contribute to the evidence for application of varnish with chemotherapeutic fluoride treatment
  • Understand the findings of recent research exploring how dental practitioners are using scientific evidence in their patient treatment decisions and patient counseling
  • Attendees will learn about the method of applying Xylitol containing, natural and artificial-based fluoride treatments and Nano filled tooth creams
  • Understand how to discuss options with your patient to better manage their sensitivity and pain issues that occur when they neglect their oral health
  • Understand the correct 2020 CDT coding for hygiene procedures and incorporate certain hygiene procedures in daily patient discussions to increase profitability in the office

LECTURE: Diode Lasers Used in the Hygiene Practice

Lynn Atkinson, RDH

course description:

The Diode laser has become the most utilized laser in dentistry today especially in the hygiene department. Diode lasers are soft-tissue lasers that have many advantages over traditional surgical and therapeutic techniques including less pain, faster healing and preciseness, bacterial reduction, along with no contraindications. Some of the most commonly used Diode laser procedures in the hygiene department are Laser Bacterial Reduction (LBR), Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAPT), haemostasis, and the treatment of oral lesions (aphthous ulcers/herpetic lesions), This course will present common diode laser procedures, techniques used in the hygiene department, and how to incorporate lasers into your practice

The Diode laser has become the most utilized laser in dentistry today especially in the hygiene department. Diode lasers are soft-tissue lasers that have many advantages over traditional surgical and therapeutic techniques including less pain, faster healing and preciseness, bacterial reduction, along with no contraindications. Some of the most commonly used Diode laser procedures in the hygiene department are Laser Bacterial Reduction (LBR), Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAPT), haemostasis, and the treatment of oral lesions (aphthous ulcers/herpetic lesions), This course will present common diode laser procedures, techniques used in the hygiene department, and how to incorporate lasers into your practice


  • Identify the laser procedures and benefits most commonly used in the hygiene department
  • Understand the laser device and settings
  • Discuss tips and techniques to get the best results with your patients
  • Describe strategies for communicating and educating patients about lasers


  • Identify the laser procedures and benefits most commonly used in the hygiene department
  • Understand the laser device and settings
  • Discuss tips and techniques to get the best results with your patients
  • Describe strategies for communicating and educating patients about lasers

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: Diode Lasers Used in the Hygiene Practice

Lynn Atkinson, RDH

course description:

The Diode laser has become the most utilized laser in dentistry today, especially in the hygiene department. This course will give your hands-on techniques used in hygiene practice. Mechanisms, safety, tips, and protocols will be reviewed, and attendees will have an opportunity to demonstrate the use of the lasers for Laser Bacterial Reduction, Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy, Haemostasis, and Aphthous Ulcers/Herpetic lesions on porcine jaw

The Diode laser has become the most utilized laser in dentistry today, especially in the hygiene department. This course will give your hands-on techniques used in hygiene practice. Mechanisms, safety, tips, and protocols will be reviewed, and attendees will have an opportunity to demonstrate the use of the lasers for Laser Bacterial Reduction, Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy, Haemostasis, and Aphthous Ulcers/Herpetic lesions on porcine jaw


  • Operate the laser device understanding basic biologic interactions
  • Demonstrate competency in using the laser with hygiene procedures
  • Understand the difference in the procedures of Laser Bacterial Reduction and Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy
  • Utilize and understand the laser safety protocols
  • Understand the laser device, tips, and settings


  • Operate the laser device understanding basic biologic interactions
  • Demonstrate competency in using the laser with hygiene procedures
  • Understand the difference in the procedures of Laser Bacterial Reduction and Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy
  • Utilize and understand the laser safety protocols
  • Understand the laser device, tips, and settings

3 Hr. Workshop = $99.00


Lecture & Workshop =$129.00

INFECTION PREVENTION – CLOSE TO PERFECTION: What’s Required for Regulation Compliance

Tricia Osuna, RDH, BSDH, FAADH

course description:

This course, which can be specifically tailored to a state or province, will provide current information and guidelines for safe treatment of patients and protection of dental professionals. Infection Control recommendations and guidelines from OSAP, IPAC, CDC and various state as well as provincial resources will be presented and discussed. Infection control review with the office team aids in follow through in the office on a day-to-day basis as well as development of office systems. Each participant will leave with a wealth of references to utilize in the establishment of office protocols. Let’s talk about what the recommendations / guidelines advise should be done then evaluate what we are currently doing

This course, which can be specifically tailored to a state or province, will provide current information and guidelines for safe treatment of patients and protection of dental professionals. Infection Control recommendations and guidelines from OSAP, IPAC, CDC and various state as well as provincial resources will be presented and discussed. Infection control review with the office team aids in follow through in the office on a day-to-day basis as well as development of office systems. Each participant will leave with a wealth of references to utilize in the establishment of office protocols. Let’s talk about what the recommendations / guidelines advise should be done then evaluate what we are currently doing


  • Recognize the specific requirements and how they can be incorporated into every day practice
  • Differentiate the guidelines for various sterilization process; hand washing and patient protection
  • Demonstrate effective cleaning and disinfectant techniques in the operatory
  • Distinguish what changes are necessary in your office setting


  • Recognize the specific requirements and how they can be incorporated into every day practice
  • Differentiate the guidelines for various sterilization process; hand washing and patient protection
  • Demonstrate effective cleaning and disinfectant techniques in the operatory
  • Distinguish what changes are necessary in your office setting

WARNING: Graphic Photographs Ahead

Katrina M. Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF

course description:

While the rest of the world may quiver with churned stomachs, one of the best traits of a dental professional is their excitement and joy around graphic oral diseased cases. Despite the oftentimes ‘colourful’ nature of the oral disease, these cases offer an incredible learning opportunity, particularly in the importance of early and definitive intervention. Join Katrina M Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF for a dental rendition of ‘Dr Pimple Popper’ as she presents graphic photographs of surgical cases requiring periodontal therapy. This will be your final warning: there WILL be graphic photos ahead!

While the rest of the world may quiver with churned stomachs, one of the best traits of a dental professional is their excitement and joy around graphic oral diseased cases. Despite the oftentimes ‘colourful’ nature of the oral disease, these cases offer an incredible learning opportunity, particularly in the importance of early and definitive intervention. Join Katrina M Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF for a dental rendition of ‘Dr Pimple Popper’ as she presents graphic photographs of surgical cases requiring periodontal therapy. This will be your final warning: there WILL be graphic photos ahead!


  • Review appropriate surgical cases for periodontal referral
  • Identify options for treatment planning of detailed periodontal therapy in an efficient, detailed and strategic method
  • Describe short and long term goals for periodontal patients that are measurable and attainable


  • Review appropriate surgical cases for periodontal referral
  • Identify options for treatment planning of detailed periodontal therapy in an efficient, detailed and strategic method
  • Describe short and long term goals for periodontal patients that are measurable and attainable