Osteoimmunology and Oxidative Stress. The Two Missing Pieces of the Osseointegration Puzzle

Joseph Choukroun, MD - Keynote Speaker

course description:

Angiogenesis starts with an immune reaction. Bone cells are under the control of the immune system. It’s now the new science concept named osteoimmunology. However, immunity works properly if the amount of antioxidants allows to balance oxidants. Excess of oxidants is named oxidative stress. Increased level of oxidants in osteoblast is the critical element of the pathophysiology of bone loss. The marginal bone loss and peri-implantitis should be classified as immune diseases induced by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs during biological diseases such as vitamin D deficiency or hypercholesterolemia. High pressure on bone during implant placement or tension during primary closure is also inducing a high level of oxidants production and therefore, is followed by bone loss.

Angiogenesis starts with an immune reaction. Bone cells are under the control of the immune system. It’s now the new science concept named osteoimmunology. However, immunity works properly if the amount of antioxidants allows to balance oxidants. Excess of oxidants is named oxidative stress. Increased level of oxidants in osteoblast is the critical element of the pathophysiology of bone loss. The marginal bone loss and peri-implantitis should be classified as immune diseases induced by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs during biological diseases such as vitamin D deficiency or hypercholesterolemia. High pressure on bone during implant placement or tension during primary closure is also inducing a high level of oxidants production and therefore, is followed by bone loss.


  • The role of keratinized mucosa will be analyzed as a barrier to inflammation of the periodontium.
  • PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) should be considered as a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant


  • The role of keratinized mucosa will be analyzed as a barrier to inflammation of the periodontium.
  • PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) should be considered as a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant

See More, Prep Less, Bond Better and Deliver the Best Biomimetic Restoration!

Pascal Magna, DDS, PhD - Keynote Speaker

course description:

Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry (BRD) implies that utmost attention is given to avoid the removal of intact tooth structure, obtain the best adhesive properties and fabricate the most “tooth-like” restoration possible (functionally, biomechanically and esthetically). Many obvious tools will facilitate those goals such as electric handpieces, oscillating instruments, rubber dams, airborne-particle abrasion, composite instruments, CAD/CAM machines etc. Improving visual acuity with magnifying aids, however, remains one of the most important prerequisites when using these tools and aiming for BRD. There is a wide range of dental loupes available, from low (2.5X to 4.5X) to high resolution (5.0X to 12.0X). While regular loupes mainly aid with posture, high-resolution instruments (loupes and microscope) will significantly enhance both acuity and body mechanics. The aims of this presentation are the following:

Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry (BRD) implies that utmost attention is given to avoid the removal of intact tooth structure, obtain the best adhesive properties and fabricate the most “tooth-like” restoration possible (functionally, biomechanically and esthetically). Many obvious tools will facilitate those goals such as electric handpieces, oscillating instruments, rubber dams, airborne-particle abrasion, composite instruments, CAD/CAM machines etc. Improving visual acuity with magnifying aids, however, remains one of the most important prerequisites when using these tools and aiming for BRD. There is a wide range of dental loupes available, from low (2.5X to 4.5X) to high resolution (5.0X to 12.0X). While regular loupes mainly aid with posture, high-resolution instruments (loupes and microscope) will significantly enhance both acuity and body mechanics. The aims of this presentation are the following:


  • Demonstrate proper tooth preparation including the most conservative caries detection and removal techniques under magnification.
  • Emphasize special instruments such as oscillating tips and composite resin placement instruments.
  • Understand adequate bonding procedures to enamel and dentin and the selection of the most appropriate restorative materials and basic considerations regarding light polymerization techniques.
  • Present clinical cases to illustrate BRD


    • Demonstrate proper tooth preparation including the most conservative caries detection and removal techniques under magnification.
    • Emphasize special instruments such as oscillating tips and composite resin placement instruments.
    • Understand adequate bonding procedures to enamel and dentin and the selection of the most appropriate restorative materials and basic considerations regarding light polymerization techniques.
    • Present clinical cases to illustrate BRD

The impact of digital technology in your periodontal practice – a better way to deliver oral health care

Sonia Leziy, DDS, Dipl Perio, FCDS(BC), FRCD(C)

course description:

Periodontal practice is being shaped by technology with various levels of digital technology penetrating the average practice. This presentation will explore how scanning innovations and digital concepts are shaping our skills and treatment planning solutions, underscoring the importance of adopting a digital philosophy in both conventional periodontal and implant surgical therapies. Concepts that will be reviewed include collaborative virtual surgical planning for teeth and implants and guided surgery/provisional treatment using a streamlined workflow. Basic tooling and training to implement this workflow will be discussed, along with strategies to implement a time-efficient collaborative protocol, an overview on how this has reduced our post-treatment failures and complications, underscoring why analogue planning and treatment execution should be minimized. Coupled with this, this presentation will highlight how this leads to more focus on minimally invasive surgical procedures and improved patient experiences.

Periodontal practice is being shaped by technology with various levels of digital technology penetrating the average practice. This presentation will explore how scanning innovations and digital concepts are shaping our skills and treatment planning solutions, underscoring the importance of adopting a digital philosophy in both conventional periodontal and implant surgical therapies. Concepts that will be reviewed include collaborative virtual surgical planning for teeth and implants and guided surgery/provisional treatment using a streamlined workflow. Basic tooling and training to implement this workflow will be discussed, along with strategies to implement a time-efficient collaborative protocol, an overview on how this has reduced our post-treatment failures and complications, underscoring why analogue planning and treatment execution should be minimized. Coupled with this, this presentation will highlight how this leads to more focus on minimally invasive surgical procedures and improved patient experiences.


  • Outline what financial investment and training are required to move into the digital realm.
  • Define how we effectively collaborate between surgical, restorative and laboratory disciplines in the digital workflow.
  • Explore with case illustrations the applications of digital concepts as they relate to periodontal monitoring, planning and treatment, as well as in implant dentistry.
  • Discuss the impact on practice efficiency and finances, quality of care, reduced practitioner stress, practice profile and patient views on perceived treatment quality and professionalism.


    • Outline what financial investment and training are required to move into the digital realm.
    • Define how we effectively collaborate between surgical, restorative and laboratory disciplines in the digital workflow.
    • Explore with case illustrations the applications of digital concepts as they relate to periodontal monitoring, planning and treatment, as well as in implant dentistry.
    • Discuss the impact on practice efficiency and finances, quality of care, reduced practitioner stress, practice profile and patient views on perceived treatment quality and professionalism.

Essentials of Extra-Maxillary Approach - Zygomatic Implants

Dennis G. Smiler, DDS, MScD

course description:

Zygomatic implants are used for the rehabilitation of patients with severe atrophy of the maxilla. The extra-maxillary approach to place zygoma implants avoids the prosthetic nightmare of the palatal orientation of abutments to support a fixed restoration. This presentation discusses the procedure for quadruple zygomatic support of the restoration. The presentation reviews essential surgical anatomy, technique for placing zygomatic implants, virtual treatment planning using steriolithic models, guided template surgery, orbital complications, and examination of cases.

Zygomatic implants are used for the rehabilitation of patients with severe atrophy of the maxilla. The extra-maxillary approach to place zygoma implants avoids the prosthetic nightmare of the palatal orientation of abutments to support a fixed restoration. This presentation discusses the procedure for quadruple zygomatic support of the restoration. The presentation reviews essential surgical anatomy, technique for placing zygomatic implants, virtual treatment planning using steriolithic models, guided template surgery, orbital complications, and examination of cases.



  • Surgical anatomy for zygomatic implants
  • The surgical technique to place extra-maxillary zygoma implants
  • Stereolithic model aiding treatment planning


  • Surgical anatomy for zygomatic implants
  • The surgical technique to place extra-maxillary zygoma implants
  • Stereolithic model aiding treatment planning

Partial Extraction Therapies

Howard Gluckman, BDS,MChD,PhD

course description:

The loss of teeth will lead to resorption of the buccal plate with its resultant need for extensive augmentative procedures (both bone and soft tissue) as well as the risk of poor long term aesthetic stability. Partial Extraction Therapies (PET) are techniques that allow us to maintain the buccal bone plate and hence prevent the collapse of the alveolar bone creating a platform for ideal soft tissue and bone which is stable in the long term. This is a greater problem in the aesthetic areas. This lecture will take you through the different options with regards to immediate implant placement as well as the most cutting-edge PET in a step by step fashion.

The loss of teeth will lead to resorption of the buccal plate with its resultant need for extensive augmentative procedures (both bone and soft tissue) as well as the risk of poor long term aesthetic stability. Partial Extraction Therapies (PET) are techniques that allow us to maintain the buccal bone plate and hence prevent the collapse of the alveolar bone creating a platform for ideal soft tissue and bone which is stable in the long term. This is a greater problem in the aesthetic areas. This lecture will take you through the different options with regards to immediate implant placement as well as the most cutting-edge PET in a step by step fashion.


  • Partial Extraction Therapies
  • Root submergence technique
  • The Pontic Shield
  • Socket shield technique
  • Procedures and Technical aspects
  • Rotated palatal flap and suture techniques.


  • Partial Extraction Therapies
  • Root submergence technique
  • The Pontic Shield
  • Socket shield technique
  • Procedures and Technical aspects
  • Rotated palatal flap and suture techniques.

Advancements in Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration: Materials, Techniques,and Protocols to Improve Treatment Outcomes

Matthew J. Fien, DDS

course description:

The purpose of this session is to review contemporary techniques that can be utilized to improve clinical outcome for regenerative surgery. Advancements in hard and soft tissue grafting techniques and materials will be presented to highlight the use of resorbable membranes, various stabilization techniques, and the use of biologics to enhance the handling of our regenerative materials and improve clinical outcomes.

The purpose of this session is to review contemporary techniques that can be utilized to improve clinical outcome for regenerative surgery. Advancements in hard and soft tissue grafting techniques and materials will be presented to highlight the use of resorbable membranes, various stabilization techniques, and the use of biologics to enhance the handling of our regenerative materials and improve clinical outcomes.

Predictably Successful Endodontics

Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS, FACD, FICD

course description:

As a microscope user since the mid 1980’s, Dr. Ruddle will briefly describe his clinical journey from proficiency to documentation and teaching. Following this dash through history, this presentation will powerfully show the various procedural steps that serve to guide each case to a successful conclusion. Focus will be on the advantages of utilizing the microscope to improve performance in initial treatment, nonsurgical retreatment, and surgical correction. This lecture is designed for the dental team whose goal is to retain strategic teeth and optimize patient care.

As a microscope user since the mid 1980’s, Dr. Ruddle will briefly describe his clinical journey from proficiency to documentation and teaching. Following this dash through history, this presentation will powerfully show the various procedural steps that serve to guide each case to a successful conclusion. Focus will be on the advantages of utilizing the microscope to improve performance in initial treatment, nonsurgical retreatment, and surgical correction. This lecture is designed for the dental team whose goal is to retain strategic teeth and optimize patient care.


  • Appreciate the role root canal system anatomy plays in success and failure.
  • Understand the value of the microscope when performing clinical dentistry.
  • Learn methods that can be utilized to retain teeth and optimize patient care.


  • Appreciate the role root canal system anatomy plays in success and failure.
  • Understand the value of the microscope when performing clinical dentistry.
  • Learn methods that can be utilized to retain teeth and optimize patient care.

Regenerative Treatment and Phenotype Modification of Gingival Recessions using Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor. A Novel, Minimal Invasive Concept

Lorenzo Tavelli DDS, MS

course description:

Several biomaterials have been investigated for the treatment of gingival recessions without palatal harvesting. It has been recently shown that Recombinant human Platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF) can further enhance the root coverage outcomes of these biomaterials, promoting periodontal regeneration at the same time. The lecture will present clinical cases of gingival recessions treated with his novel regenerative, minimally invasive approach, combining clinical outcomes with 3D volumetric and ultrasonographic-evidence of phenotype modification.

Several biomaterials have been investigated for the treatment of gingival recessions without palatal harvesting. It has been recently shown that Recombinant human Platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF) can further enhance the root coverage outcomes of these biomaterials, promoting periodontal regeneration at the same time. The lecture will present clinical cases of gingival recessions treated with his novel regenerative, minimally invasive approach, combining clinical outcomes with 3D volumetric and ultrasonographic-evidence of phenotype modification.


  •  Reviewing the current surgical approaches for the treatment of gingival recessions
  • Understanding when minimally invasive approaches should be preferred to autogenous connective tissue graft
  • Understanding the role of recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF) for the regenerative treatment of gingival recessions and phenotype modification


  •  Reviewing the current surgical approaches for the treatment of gingival recessions
  • Understanding when minimally invasive approaches should be preferred to autogenous connective tissue graft
  • Understanding the role of recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF) for the regenerative treatment of gingival recessions
    and phenotype modification

The Role of Occlusion in Esthetic & Implant Dentistry

Baldwin W. Marchack, DDS, MBA

course description:

In today’s highly competitive dental market, standing out from other dental practices means offering patients what they want. Patients today want teeth that are brighter and whiter and natural looking, thus more esthetic surgical and restorative procedures are being performed. And they want fixed solutions for their missing teeth, hence more dental implant procedures are being performed. When we offer these procedures, our restorations for natural teeth and implants are usually being made on one type of CADCAM system or another. Most restorations are being computer designed using virtual wax-ups selected from a digital library of teeth that are literally stretched or condensed to fit your particular patient’s available space. The question becomes what is the best way to manage the occlusion on these CADCAM restorations? Additionally these CADCAM restorations frequently utilize modern ceramics such as lithium disilicate, monolithic zirconia and other hybrid ceramic products. To be successful we must understand the strength limits of these restorations and be in control of the occlusal forces to which we subject them. This presentation will discuss a practical approach to managing the occlusion in esthetic and implant restorations for predictable, successful outcomes.

In today’s highly competitive dental market, standing out from other dental practices means offering patients what they want. Patients today want teeth that are brighter and whiter and natural looking, thus more esthetic surgical and restorative procedures are being performed. And they want fixed solutions for their missing teeth, hence more dental implant procedures are being performed. When we offer these procedures, our restorations for natural teeth and implants are usually being made on one type of CADCAM system or another. Most restorations are being computer designed using virtual wax-ups selected from a digital library of teeth that are literally stretched or condensed to fit your particular patient’s available space. The question becomes what is the best way to manage the occlusion on these CADCAM restorations? Additionally these CADCAM restorations frequently utilize modern ceramics such as lithium disilicate, monolithic zirconia and other hybrid ceramic products. To be successful we must understand the strength limits of these restorations and be in control of the occlusal forces to which we subject them. This presentation will discuss a practical approach to managing the occlusion in esthetic and implant restorations for predictable, successful outcomes.


  •  Understand the biomechanics of teeth and implants
  • Understand how to adjust the occlusion of CADCAM restorations
  • Consistently establish predictable occlusal schemes for successful estheticand implant restorations


  •  Understand the biomechanics of teeth and implants
  • Understand how to adjust the occlusion of CADCAM restorations
  • Consistently establish predictable occlusal schemes for successful estheticand implant restorations

Soft Tissue Management of The Full Arch Implant Patient

Ehab Moussa Guirges, DDS

course description:

Full arch implantology has become a daily part of many dental implant practices. Several factors are important for the long term success of these cases. This lecture will focus on the soft tissue determinants that are crucial for long term health and stability of the peri-implant tissues in full arch cases. We will review the different methods and techniques available to augment and reposition keratinized gingiva, along with the different treatment stages where this can be accomplished. Participants attending this lecture should gain a solid understanding of the importance soft tissue management along with knowledge of how to surgically manage/graft tissue to attain a healthy and maintainable peri-implant environment 

Full arch implantology has become a daily part of many dental implant practices. Several factors are important for the long term success of these cases. This lecture will focus on the soft tissue determinants that are crucial for long term health and stability of the peri-implant tissues in full arch cases. We will review the different methods and techniques available to augment and reposition keratinized gingiva, along with the different treatment stages where this can be accomplished. Participants attending this lecture should gain a solid understanding of the importance soft tissue management along with knowledge of how to surgically manage/graft tissue to attain a healthy and maintainable peri-implant environment 


  • Understand the determinants of mucogingival health and stability in full arch implantology
  • Comprehend how to diagnose soft tissue deficiencies
  • Understand the different procedures and techniques in treating full arch mucogingival deficiencies through proper diagnosis and application of a treatment decision tree


  • Understand the determinants of mucogingival health and stability in full arch implantology
  • Comprehend how to diagnose soft tissue deficiencies
  • Understand the different procedures and techniques in treating full arch mucogingival deficiencies through proper diagnosis and application of a treatment decision tree

More than Just Endo - Advantages of the Microscope for Restorative Dentistry

Glenn A. van As, BSc, DMD

course description:

For 25 years the presenter has been using the Dental Operating Microscope for all aspects of dentistry and the tremendous magnification and illumination possible provides incredible advantages in everyday restorative dentistry. Todays dental restorative materials and patients demand precision and accuracy and the improved visual acuity possible with higher levels of magnification and coaxial illumination provide the ability to improve treatment outcomes from simple direct restorations to complex full mouth cases with dental implants and indirect restorations. See how the advantages of improved precision, ergonomics, documentation and communication with patients may provide both you and your patients in your adult restorative practice.

For 25 years the presenter has been using the Dental Operating Microscope for all aspects of dentistry and the tremendous magnification and illumination possible provides incredible advantages in everyday restorative dentistry. Todays dental restorative materials and patients demand precision and accuracy and the improved visual acuity possible with higher levels of magnification and coaxial illumination provide the ability to improve treatment outcomes from simple direct restorations to complex full mouth cases with dental implants and indirect restorations. See how the advantages of improved precision, ergonomics, documentation and communication with patients may provide both you and your patients in your adult restorative practice.


  • Understand how the microscope can benefit a restorative practice from the standpoint of everyday simple direct restorations all the way through to more advanced cases with indirect and implant restorations.
  • Discover the four advantages of using the microscope for everyday dentistry beyond endodontics including improved precision, ergonomics,
    documentation and communication with patients.
  • See what dental research says about using the microscope to help minimize your errors during your dental treatment and how improved visual information provided by the scope may improve treatment outcomes.
  • Realize how the microscope can become the center point of your practice as opposed to a “tool” to bring over during endodontic access.


  • Understand how the microscope can benefit a restorative practice from the standpoint of everyday simple direct restorations all the way through to more advanced cases with indirect and implant restorations.
  • Discover the four advantages of using the microscope for everyday dentistry beyond endodontics including improved precision, ergonomics,
    documentation and communication with patients.
  • See what dental research says about using the microscope to help minimize your errors during your dental treatment and how improved visual information provided by the scope may improve treatment outcomes.
  • Realize how the microscope can become the center point of your practice as opposed to a “tool” to bring over during endodontic access.

The Art of Micro Photography: Taking The Pictures That You Really Want

Jorge Zapata, DDS

course description:

Most microscope users believethat without the use of the microscope in dentistry, it wouldbe impossible to accomplish and obtain theirdesired final out comes. I have frequentlyasked yself, why microscopeusersdo not record their work. I believe the answer to thisquestion to be that what the clinician sees through the dental operative microscope (DOM) is different than the images and videos that are captured. Because the captured images do not reflect thesame level of high quality dentistry that the clinician successfully obtained, the clinician becomes discouraged and ceases todocument thedental procedures. However, the lack of documentation through the DOM results in an inability to clearly communicate with patients and colleagues andinhibits our ability topromote the use of the DOM as an invaluable tool in precision dentistry. One of the main reasons whyso many microscope usersaround the world struggleto capture high quality imagesandbecomefrustratedin the areaof microphotographyis that the camera mounted on the DOM is unable to communicate with the microscope’s adapter. The camera is digital but the adapter is analog, and thus, the two technologies do not effectively communicate with one another.

Most microscope users believethat without the use of the microscope in dentistry, it wouldbe impossible to accomplish and obtain theirdesired final out comes. I have frequentlyasked yself, why microscopeusersdo not record their work. I believe the answer to thisquestion to be that what the clinician sees through the dental operative microscope (DOM) is different than the images and videos that are captured. Because the captured images do not reflect thesame level of high quality dentistry that the clinician successfully obtained, the clinician becomes discouraged and ceases todocument thedental procedures. However, the lack of documentation through the DOM results in an inability to clearly communicate with patients and colleagues andinhibits our ability topromote the use of the DOM as an invaluable tool in precision dentistry. One of the main reasons whyso many microscope usersaround the world struggleto capture high quality imagesandbecomefrustratedin the areaof microphotographyis that the camera mounted on the DOM is unable to communicate with the microscope’s adapter. The camera is digital but the adapter is analog, and thus, the two technologies do not effectively communicate with one another.


  •  Learn how to establish real mechanical communication between the camera and the adapter in order toobtain thedesired images.
  • Gain understanding intobasicprinciplesof microphotography that work for any camera and any microscope.
  • Through better picture quality learn to communicate more clearly with patients and colleagues.


  •  Learn how to establish real mechanical communication between the camera and the adapter in order toobtain thedesired images.
  • Gain understanding intobasicprinciplesof microphotography that work for any camera and any microscope.
  • Through better picture quality learn to communicate more clearly with patients and colleagues.

Complex Cases Solved with Zirconia Implants. A Predictable Workflow

Andrés Fernandéz, MsC

course description:

In our daily practice we often have very challenging cases, this presentation seeks to propose a simple and reproducible workflow for the best handling of these cases.

In our daily practice, we often have very challenging cases, this presentation seeks to propose a simple and reproducible workflow for the best handling of these cases.


  • Understand the biology behind the bone graft.
  • CCCARD classification.
  • Ideal bone graft based on the implant situation.
  • Tips and tricks to harvesting the bone in the oral cavity


  •  Learn how to establish real mechanical communication between the camera and the adapter in order toobtain thedesired images.
  • Gain understanding intobasicprinciplesof microphotography that work for any camera and any microscope.
  • Through better picture quality learn to communicate more clearly with patients and colleagues.


Twenty Full-Mouth Rejuvenation Utilizing Composite Injection Over-Molding

David Clark, DDS


Until recently, indirect restorations were the only seriously considered modality for full mouth reconstruction. With the advancement of ultra-thin anatomic Mylar forms and injection moulding of thermally liquified composite, it is possible to rejuvenate without the need to amputate.

Until recently, indirect restorations were the only seriously considered modality for full mouth reconstruction. With the advancement of ultra-thin anatomic Mylar forms and injection moulding of thermally liquified composite, it is possible to rejuvenate without the need to amputate.


  • The science behind the five pillars of the Bioclear Method
  • Which cases are most appropriate for additive dentistry?
  • The patient psychology of additive versus subtractive dentistry


  • The science behind the five pillars of the Bioclear Method
  • Which cases are most appropriate for additive dentistry?
  • The patient psychology of additive versus subtractive dentistry

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Peter Nordland, DMD, MS


This course will show how periodontal plastic surgical procedures will benefit and be enhanced with a microsurgical approach. New techniques and microsurgical approaches will be discussed. Even surgical procedures, usually thought to be impossible, will be shown.

This course will show how periodontal plastic surgical procedures will benefit and be enhanced with a microsurgical approach. New techniques and microsurgical approaches will be discussed. Even surgical procedures, usually thought to be impossible, will be shown.


The attendee will learn how surgical healing results can be maximized with:

  • Rapid healing
  • Elimination of surgical incision lines
  • Post-operative pain reduction


The attendee will learn how surgical healing results can be maximized with:

    • Rapid healing
    • Elimination of surgical incision lines
    • Post-operative pain reduction

Collaborative Goal Setting for Improved Patient Outcomes

Jean C. Wu, DDS


Exchanging ideas and working together at the beginning and throughout patient care utilizes the collective expertise to formulate a solution. A shared vision between providers from the diagnosis, sequencing and treatment execution allows for the best treatment outcome. Integrating new technologies such as intra-oral scanners, CBCT, and CAD/CAM can help improve communication, precision, efficiency and contribute to more predictable results

Exchanging ideas and working together at the beginning and throughout patient care utilizes the collective expertise to formulate a solution. A shared vision between providers from the diagnosis, sequencing and treatment execution allows for the best treatment outcome. Integrating new technologies such as intra-oral scanners, CBCT, and CAD/CAM can help improve communication, precision, efficiency and contribute to more predictable results


  • What components are critical when working with other clinicians?
  • How to sequence the treatment plan with other co-therapists?
  • Effective follow-up for predictable patient outcomes.


  • What components are critical when working with other clinicians?
  • How to sequence the treatment plan with other co-therapists?
  • Effective follow-up for predictable patient outcomes.

Biologically Driven Esthetic Reconstruction: From Design to Delivery

Alina Krivitsky, DDS, BS & Mehrdad Razaghy, DDS


In this joint lecture, Dr. Alina Krivitsky together with Dr. Mehrdad Razaghy, will highlight key steps involved in two adhesively driven esthetic reconstructions where functional and esthetic crown lengthening are indicated. In this lecture, they will cover the importance of the involvement of periodontists, restorative dentists, and lab technicians in the design of the case and steps involved in data collection, communication with specialists, surgical techniques and consideration, restorative considerations, and bonded delivery of final restorations.

In this joint lecture, Dr. Alina Krivitsky together with Dr. Mehrdad Razaghy, will highlight key steps involved in two adhesively driven esthetic reconstructions where functional and esthetic crown lengthening are indicated. In this lecture, they will cover the importance of the involvement of periodontists, restorative dentists, and lab technicians in the design of the case and steps involved in data collection, communication with specialists, surgical techniques and consideration, restorative considerations, and bonded delivery of final restorations.


  • Treatment planning anterior esthetic reconstructions involving crown lengthening
  • Dental Photography, digital smile design, and restorative workflow
  • Surgical steps of esthetic and functional crown lengthening
  • Advantages of biological shaping for esthetics and long term restorative maintenance


  • Treatment planning anterior esthetic reconstructions involving crown lengthening
  • Dental Photography, digital smile design, and restorative workflow
  • Surgical steps of esthetic and functional crown lengthening
  • Advantages of biological shaping for esthetics and long term restorative maintenance

“Move It” OR “ Remove It”

Abdi Sameni, DDS FACD & Dan Grauer DDS, MS, PhD


A small amount of tooth structure removal is often accepted as a necessary compromise when certain esthetic procedures are desired. This course will highlight how restorative dentists and orthodontists can collaborate to achieve ideal esthetic and functional results while being “ultra” conservative in their procedures. The audience will learn how proper pre-restorative planning and precise orthodontic execution will allow the team to move the teeth into an optimized pre-restorative position avoiding unnecessary tooth removal which would weaken the patient’s dentition. “Move” instead of “Remove” allows for easier and long-lasting beautiful restorations

A small amount of tooth structure removal is often accepted as a necessary compromise when certain esthetic procedures are desired. This course will highlight how restorative dentists and orthodontists can collaborate to achieve ideal esthetic and functional results while being “ultra” conservative in their procedures. The audience will learn how proper pre-restorative planning and precise orthodontic execution will allow the team to move the teeth into an optimized pre-restorative position avoiding unnecessary tooth removal which would weaken the patient’s dentition. “Move” instead of “Remove” allows for easier and long-lasting beautiful restorations


  • Learn to conservatively treatment plan and sequence treatment for predictable esthetic and functional results
  • Learn how to combine different treatment modalities and products to achieve conservative yet outstanding esthetic and functional results
  • Learn simple techniques to expand the use of direct composite restorations
  • Learn how to benefit from pre-restorative orthodontic treatment to enhance your outcomes and preserve tooth structure
  • Learn how to coordinate and sequence treatment among different specialties to synergistically improve the patient’s experience and treatment outcomes


  • Learn to conservatively treatment plan and sequence treatment for predictable esthetic and functional results
  • Learn how to combine different treatment modalities and products to achieve conservative yet outstanding esthetic and functional results
  • Learn simple techniques to expand the use of direct composite restorations
  • Learn how to benefit from pre-restorative orthodontic treatment to enhance your outcomes and preserve tooth structure
  • Learn how to coordinate and sequence treatment among different specialties to synergistically improve the patient’s experience and treatment outcomes

CAD CAM Technology & Full Arch Implant Prosthesis

Mamaly A. Reshad, DDS, MSC


CAD-CAM technology in implant dentistry has grown exponentially in recent years. There is now an inexhaustible supply of frameworks, designs, and materials. Currently, there are no real guidelines as to the appropriate selection and design of frameworks

CAD-CAM technology in implant dentistry has grown exponentially in recent years. There is now an inexhaustible supply of frameworks, designs, and materials. Currently, there are no real guidelines as to the appropriate selection and design of frameworks


This presentation will provide a decision tree and a new classification system for CAD-CAM framework selection. Guidelines will be provided that may be useful in deciding which type of framework is suitable for most situations. In addition, recommendations for suitable matching of framework to restorative material will be discussed. The ultimate aim is esthetics, form, function, and longevity to approach that of the traditional metal-ceramic implant-supported prostheses.


This presentation will provide a decision tree and a new classification system for CAD-CAM framework selection. Guidelines will be provided that may be useful in deciding which type of framework is suitable for most situations. In addition, recommendations for suitable matching of framework to restorative material will be discussed. The ultimate aim is esthetics, form, function, and longevity to approach that of the traditional metal-ceramic implant-supported prostheses.


The Art of Microphotography

Jorge Zapata, DDS


Microphotography is the art of capturing pictures through the dental operative microscope (DOM). One of the main differences between microphotography and macrophotography is that no lens is attached to the camera in microphotography. This course will outline the advantages of microphotographic documentation vs. the use of macrophotography and intraoral cameras. This course will, also, address the challenges the clinician faces in capturing quality images; these challenges include: controlling vibration, working in conjunction with live view monitors, and par-focal adjustment to assure clear focus of the camera.

Microphotography is the art of capturing pictures through the dental operative microscope (DOM). One of the main differences between microphotography and macrophotography is that no lens is attached to the camera in microphotography. This course will outline the advantages of micro photographic documentation vs. the use of macrophotography and intraoral cameras. This course will, also, address the challenges the clinician faces in capturing quality images; these challenges include: controlling vibration, working in conjunction with live view monitors, and par-focal adjustment to assure clear focus of the camera.


  • How to improve the flow of case documentation via microphotography with interruption of patient treatment and production
  • How to increase communication and treatment plan acceptance through micro photographic documentation
  • How to select the most useful cameras for your needs
  • The basics of camera settings and how to capture quality videos and photographs with any mirrorless or DSLR camera
  • How to develop a 3-D PARFOCAL.


  • How to improve the flow of case documentation via microphotography with interruption of patient treatment and production
  • How to increase communication and treatment plan acceptance through micro photographic documentation
  • How to select the most useful cameras for your needs
  • The basics of camera settings and how to capture quality videos and photographs with any mirrorless or DSLR camera
  • How to develop a 3-D PARFOCAL.

Advanced Ergonomics in Microscope Dentistry

Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues DDS, MAMED, CEAS


Ergonomics, also known as human factors, is a multidisciplinary science concerned with finding ways to keep people productive, efficient, safe, and comfortable while they perform a task. The basic premise is to make the task fit the person, rather than making the person adjust to the task. Dentistry is one of the most demanding professions with a high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders. Many professionals are retiring early because of neck, back, shoulder, arm, wrist injuries. This course will outline the ergonomic benefits of the surgical microscope in dentistry, it will address appropriate posture while working with the microscope, how to position the microscope, how to position the patient and how to perform four-handed dentistry in order to work pain-free, efficiently, and without stress. The course will also outline different stools available in the market, the properties of each and how to sit properly.

Ergonomics, also known as human factors, is a multidisciplinary science concerned with finding ways to keep people productive, efficient, safe, and comfortable while they perform a task. The basic premise is to make the task fit the person, rather than making the person adjust to the task. Dentistry is one of the most demanding professions with a high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders. Many professionals are retiring early because of neck, back, shoulder, arm, wrist injuries. This course will outline the ergonomic benefits of the surgical microscope in dentistry, it will address appropriate posture while working with the microscope, how to position the microscope, how to position the patient and how to perform four-handed dentistry in order to work pain-free, efficiently, and without stress. The course will also outline different stools available in the market, the properties of each and how to sit properly.


  • Learn and apply the principles of ergonomics in dentistry
  • Learn about the most ergonomic stools in the market and test them.
  • Learn how to sit properly with well available stools in the operatory in different positions.
  • Learn the ergonomic benefits of the microscope in dentistry
  • Learn how to sit the patient in the operatory chair in order to achieve a better ergonomic position.
  • Learn about four-handed dentistry
  • Learn how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders & the benefits of micro breaks and stretching during the workday


  • Learn and apply the principles of ergonomics in dentistry
  • Learn about the most ergonomic stools in the market and test them.
  • Learn how to sit properly with well available stools in the operatory in different positions.
  • Learn the ergonomic benefits of the microscope in dentistry
  • Learn how to sit the patient in the operatory chair in order to achieve a better ergonomic position.
  • Learn about four-handed dentistry
  • Learn how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders & the benefits of micro breaks and stretching during the workday

Seeing the LIGHT! - The Role of Lasers in Implant Therapy

Glenn A. van As, BSc, DMD


In this lecture, attendees will see how dental lasers can be utilized to help with treatment outcomes in implant therapy. Lasers have become routinely used in many practices for tissue management in direct and indirect restorative procedures, but their role should not be limited to this. The various wavelengths available in dentistry today will be briefly discussed. The speaker has categorized the role of lasers in implant therapy by the stage of the procedure and will discuss this categorization and explain how lasers can be used for improving socket preservation, tissue recontouring, wound healing, grafting and the importance of laser therapy for peri-implantitis treatment. Clinical cases documented through microphotography and videography will be displayed and the role of lasers will be demonstrated in this evidence-based lecture. See how lasers can become an important part of the armamentarium for implant therapy.

In this lecture, attendees will see how dental lasers can be utilized to help with treatment outcomes in implant therapy. Lasers have become routinely used in many practices for tissue management in direct and indirect restorative procedures, but their role should not be limited to this. The various wavelengths available in dentistry today will be briefly discussed. The speaker has categorized the role of lasers in implant therapy by the stage of the procedure and will discuss this categorization and explain how lasers can be used for improving socket preservation, tissue recontouring, wound healing, grafting and the importance of laser therapy for peri-implantitis treatment. Clinical cases documented through microphotography and videography will be displayed and the role of lasers will be demonstrated in this evidence-based lecture. See how lasers can become an important part of the armamentarium for implant therapy.


  • Discover the various wavelengths present in dentistry and see how they might be relevant for your practice.
  • See how lasers can be utilized for various stages of implant therapy from socket preservation to peri-implantitis treatment.
  • Understand how Low-Level Laser therapy can be a vital treatment for your surgical cases.
  • See how the synergy between Lasers and the Dental Operating Microscope exists.
  • Discover how literature supports the role of lasers in many areas of implant therapy.


  • Discover the various wavelengths present in dentistry and see how they might be relevant for your practice.
  • See how lasers can be utilized for various stages of implant therapy from socket preservation to peri-implantitis treatment.
  • Understand how Low-Level Laser therapy can be a vital treatment for your surgical cases.
  • See how the synergy between Lasers and the Dental Operating Microscope exists.
  • Discover how literature supports the role of lasers in many areas of implant therapy.

Flap Design and Suturing Workshop

Robert J. Miller, DDS, FACD, DABOI, FAO


Surgical outcomes are dependent on many variables. Early complications or failures can often be traced to inadequate flap design and suturing techniques. This workshop is focused on creating the most ideal environment for surgical access and ensuring that flap margins remain closed and vascularized after surgery. Utilizing surgical microscopes, procedure-based criteria for flap design, suture technique, suture material and needle selection will be presented. Participants will have an opportunity to perform both model and animal jaw surgery under magnification and have a better understanding of the biological imperative in early wound healing.

Surgical outcomes are dependent on many variables. Early complications or failures can often be traced to inadequate flap design and suturing techniques. This workshop is focused on creating the most ideal environment for surgical access and ensuring that flap margins remain closed and vascularized after surgery. Utilizing surgical microscopes, procedure-based criteria for flap design, suture technique, suture material and needle selection will be presented. Participants will have an opportunity to perform both model and animal jaw surgery under magnification and have a better understanding of the biological imperative in early wound healing.


  • Compare and contrast flap designs for a variety of surgical procedures
  • Select suture materials and needle size based on the type of surgery
  • Demonstrate techniques to ensure passive closure and vascularity of the flap


  • Compare and contrast flap designs for a variety of surgical procedures
  • Select suture materials and needle size based on the type of surgery
  • Demonstrate techniques to ensure passive closure and vascularity of the flap

Advanced course: PRF & Osteoimmunology

Joseph choukroun MD.


The use of blood growth factors and PRF is nowadays linked to scientific evidence: their healing action on soft tissues and stimulating action on bone growth are widely documented in the literature. Centrifugation protocols and their clinical applications need to be constantly improved in light of recent scientific innovations.

Many advances have been made in several areas.

  1. The decrease in the temperature of the blood allows a significant improvement in the quantity of fibrin obtained following this centrifugation: This is the ‘PomPac’ innovation.
  2. Sticky Bone’: Improving the speed of osseointegration as well as easier and faster handling. Several sticky bone protocols are available (4) and allow to prepare it in a different way in order to adapt to the current surgical indication: socket preservation, vertical or horizontal bone augmentation, bone apposition during immediate loading. Sticky bone is prepared in a few seconds nowadays.
  3. Osteoimmunology has come in recent years to profoundly modify our knowledge of bone metabolism and osseointegration: bone growth and long-term bone stability are dependent on the immune system. Fibro integration is the consequence of long-term inflammation. Hence the importance of vit. D and of pre- and post-operative immune supplementation.

Why PRF should be considered as a powerful antioxidant.

The surgical conditions will also modify the behaviour of platelet and leukocyte cytokines. The analysis of pressure and tension as major elements of oxidative stress will be detailed.


-PRF. Platelet Rich Fibrin. Definition, method of preparation. Clinical protocols.

-Sticky Bone. From version 01 to version 04. Preparation. Choice of the method according to the indications.

-Clinical indications: Extractions, Muco-gingival surgery. Bone grafts. Periodontology.

-Osteoimmunology & Oxidative Stress: The role of the immune system in bone metabolism and 

  osseointegration. Role of gingival immunity in the genesis of peri-implantitis.

-Oxidative stress: Definition and mechanisms. Deleterious effects on bone.

-Role of Vitamin D and Cholesterol in the oxidation of osteoblasts

-Presentation of advanced protocols of Antibi prophylaxis.

-FAST System (choukroun): horizontal and vertical simplified bone augmentation

-SOFT BRUSHING (choukroun): flap release without incising the periosteum

-FAST Guide (choukroun). Simple and easy for immediate loading

-Role of bone pressure and soft tissue tension in surgical failure: mechanisms and solutions. The interest of appropriate suturing techniques to increase soft tissue thickness

– The Over Concept: Ensuring success, making surgical outcomes more predictable and reproducible.

DEMO: PRF, sticky bone and all the tips for PRF preparation

The use of blood growth factors and PRF is nowadays linked to scientific evidence: their healing action on soft tissues and stimulating action on bone growth are widely documented in the literature. Centrifugation protocols and their clinical applications need to be constantly improved in light of recent scientific innovations.

Many advances have been made in several areas.

  1. The decrease in the temperature of the blood allows a significant improvement in the quantity of fibrin obtained following this centrifugation: This is the ‘PomPac’ innovation.
  2. Sticky Bone’: Improving the speed of osseointegration as well as easier and faster handling. Several sticky bone protocols are available (4) and allow to prepare it in a different way in order to adapt to the current surgical indication: socket preservation, vertical or horizontal bone augmentation, bone apposition during immediate loading. Sticky bone is prepared in a few seconds nowadays.
  3. Osteoimmunology has come in recent years to profoundly modify our knowledge of bone metabolism and osseointegration: bone growth and long-term bone stability are dependent on the immune system. Fibro integration is the consequence of long-term inflammation. Hence the importance of vit. D and of pre- and post-operative immune supplementation.

Why PRF should be considered as a powerful antioxidant.

The surgical conditions will also modify the behaviour of platelet and leukocyte cytokines. The analysis of pressure and tension as major elements of oxidative stress will be detailed.


-PRF. Platelet Rich Fibrin. Definition, method of preparation. Clinical protocols.

-Sticky Bone. From version 01 to version 04. Preparation. Choice of the method according to the indications.

-Clinical indications: Extractions, Muco-gingival surgery. Bone grafts. Periodontology.

-Osteoimmunology & Oxidative Stress: The role of the immune system in bone metabolism and 

  osseointegration. Role of gingival immunity in the genesis of peri-implantitis.

-Oxidative stress: Definition and mechanisms. Deleterious effects on bone.

-Role of Vitamin D and Cholesterol in the oxidation of osteoblasts

-Presentation of advanced protocols of Antibi prophylaxis.

-FAST System (choukroun): horizontal and vertical simplified bone augmentation

-SOFT BRUSHING (choukroun): flap release without incising the periosteum

-FAST Guide (choukroun). Simple and easy for immediate loading

-Role of bone pressure and soft tissue tension in surgical failure: mechanisms and solutions. The interest of appropriate suturing techniques to increase soft tissue thickness

– The Over Concept: Ensuring success, making surgical outcomes more predictable and reproducible.

DEMO: PRF, sticky bone and all the tips for PRF preparation


  • Understanding the concept of PRF 
  • How to prepare the sticky bone adapted to the surgical indication
  • Understanding osteoimmunology science and how immunity controls bone growth and remodelling.


  • Understanding the concept of PRF 
  • How to prepare the sticky bone adapted to the surgical indication
  • Understanding osteoimmunology science and how immunity controls bone growth and remodelling.

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