Please Note: Date Change due to Hotel Conflict

Online Registration

Six and a half (6.5) hours of continuing education credit will be provided


Saturday, June. 25, 2022
Registration & Exhibits
8:00am – 8:30am
Dr. Mahnaz Zandi
8:30am – 10:00am
Break & Exhibits
10:00am – 10:30am
Tricia Osuna
10:30am – 12:30pm
Lunch & Exhibits
12:30pm – 1:30pm
New Speaker updated soon
1:30pm – 2:30pm
2.30pm – 2.45pm
Heather Rogers
2:45pm – 4:15pm

Six and a half (6.5) hours of continuing education credit will be provided

CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND IMPROVE YOUR OUTCOMES - An Update on Protocols, Products and Treatment Options



Updated protocols assist us in determining our patient’s specific needs. As we move towards a more collaborative profession, we need to embrace these updates to identify those needs. We are presented with continuous challenges of new advances in products and technology and their use in dentistry and are in need information to determine when and how to add them into our armamentaria. As professionals providing health services, our perception of product use along with protocols needs to be discussed with our team as well as the interdisciplinary referrals we have. The process of care (assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, implementation, evaluation and documentation) requires a comprehension of protocols, products and treatment options and how they are to be utilized.

Updated protocols assist us in determining our patient’s specific needs. As we move towards a more collaborative profession, we need to embrace these updates to identify those needs. We are presented with continuous challenges of new advances in products and technology and their use in dentistry and are in need information to determine when and how to add them into our armamentaria. As professionals providing health services, our perception of product use along with protocols needs to be discussed with our team as well as the interdisciplinary referrals we have. The process of care (assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, implementation, evaluation and documentation) requires a comprehension of protocols, products and treatment options and how they are to be utilized.


  • Modify diagnosis assistance with the team and rationale for changes in assessment forms and diagnostic tools
  • Distinguish which new-to-market products should be brought into your practice
  • Integrate materials and products for a variety of uses in the dental office from infection control, dental hygiene therapy, oral cancer screening, patient communication and instrumentation
  • Develop effective communication with patients and assist in the business of the dental practice
  • Formulate strategies that incorporate efficient inpatient treatment for more productive scheduling


  • Modify diagnosis assistance with the team and rationale for changes in assessment forms and diagnostic tools
  • Distinguish which new-to-market products should be brought into your practice
  • Integrate materials and products for a variety of uses in the dental office from infection control, dental hygiene therapy, oral cancer screening, patient communication and instrumentation
  • Develop effective communication with patients and assist in the business of the dental practice
  • Formulate strategies that incorporate efficient inpatient treatment for more productive scheduling


Tricia Osuna, BSDH, RDH, FAADH is a University of Southern California graduate, Past President of the American Academy of Dental Hygiene and California Dental Hygienists’ Association. Tricia is in her 44th year as a dental hygienist, with many of those as a clinician. She shares her experiences with her audiences in a humorous and enlightening presentation experience. Ms. Osuna is a lifelong CDHA/ ADHA member and a previous Member of the Dental Board of California. She is a Founding Member of the American Board of Facial Esthetics. Licensed in both California and New York, her experiences traverse the dental hygiene arena in a unique way spanning a variety of roles including Consultant, Clinician, Educator, International Presenter, Author, Mentor as well as owner of Professional Insights, Inc.


Tricia Osuna, BSDH, RDH, FAADH is a University of Southern California graduate, Past President of the American Academy of Dental Hygiene and California Dental Hygienists’ Association. Tricia is in her 44th year as a dental hygienist, with many of those as a clinician. She shares her experiences with her audiences in a humorous and enlightening presentation experience. Ms. Osuna is a lifelong CDHA/ ADHA member and a previous Member of the Dental Board of California. She is a Founding Member of the American Board of Facial Esthetics. Licensed in both California and New York, her experiences traverse the dental hygiene arena in a unique way spanning a variety of roles including Consultant, Clinician, Educator, International Presenter, Author, Mentor as well as owner of Professional Insights, Inc.

A 21st Century Plague Called Metabolic Syndrome

Heather Rogers, BSDH


Patients are experiencing more health issues due to the populations increase in blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.  Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. This two-hour course will discuss the issues our patients face with medications and their bodies. It will also concentrate on the dangers to the oral health when faced with high levels of inflammation brought on by this syndrome. reatment planning will be emphasized to allow for the execution of harmonized and collaborative treatment. The need for proper communication between the surgical and prosthetic teams will be emphasized and the benefits of current innovations in facilitating this communication will be showcased. New innovations and technology truly benefit communication with our colleagues, staff, and patients. I’ll show you how!

Patients are experiencing more health issues due to the populations increase in blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.  Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. This two-hour course will discuss the issues our patients face with medications and their bodies. It will also concentrate on the dangers to the oral health when faced with high levels of inflammation brought on by this syndrome. reatment planning will be emphasized to allow for the execution of harmonized and collaborative treatment. The need for proper communication between the surgical and prosthetic teams will be emphasized and the benefits of current innovations in facilitating this communication will be showcased. New innovations and technology truly benefit communication with our colleagues, staff, and patients. I’ll show you how!


  • The participant will be able to define metabolic syndrome.
  • Attendees will be able to determine which patients are suffering from metabolic syndrome based on complete medical history.
  • Upon completion, participants will be able to list and discuss the most prevalent medications being used to treat metabolic syndrome.
  • At the close of the course, participants will be able to identify periodontal risk factors and prescribe treatment for patients suffering from metabolic syndrome.
  • Attendees will learn to discuss treatment modalities for metabolic syndrome patients that include more complete physical and oral health.


  • The participant will be able to define metabolic syndrome.
  • Attendees will be able to determine which patients are suffering from metabolic syndrome based on complete medical history.
  • Upon completion, participants will be able to list and discuss the most prevalent medications being used to treat metabolic syndrome.
  • At the close of the course, participants will be able to identify periodontal risk factors and prescribe treatment for patients suffering from metabolic syndrome.
  • Attendees will learn to discuss treatment modalities for metabolic syndrome patients that include more complete physical and oral health


Heather M. Rogers began her career in dental hygiene in 1999 when she graduated from the College of Southern Nevada.  She has worked in prosthodontics, periodontics, and general dentistry.  Heather discovered her love for presenting educational courses while achieving her bachelor’s degree and being involved with her professional association. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene in 2010 and is currently providing continuing education for professionals in communications, diabetes, implant maintenance, probiotics, infection control and marijuana.


Heather M. Rogers began her career in dental hygiene in 1999 when she graduated from the College of Southern Nevada.  She has worked in prosthodontics, periodontics, and general dentistry.  Heather discovered her love for presenting educational courses while achieving her bachelor’s degree and being involved with her professional association. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene in 2010 and is currently providing continuing education for professionals in communications, diabetes, implant maintenance, probiotics, infection control and marijuana.

GUMMY SMILE - Excessive Gingival Display, Etiology, Diagnosis and Latest Treatment Modalities



  • Describing Pleasant smile
  • Definition of Excessive Gingival Display (EGD)
  • Diagnostic tools for Diagnosis OF EGD; Intraoral exam, Facial Exam, Cephalogram
  • Definition of Golden Ratio and its application in Dentistry and specifically in EGD
  • Etiology of EGD;

    1) Plaque or drug-induced gingival hyperplasia
    2) Altered/Delayed passive eruption
    3) Anterior dento-alveolar extrusion
    4) Vertical maxillary excess
    5) Short upper lip
    6) Hyperactive upper lip

  • Describing treatment modalities for each specific etiology
  • Case Presentation
  • Describing Pleasant smile
  • Definition of Excessive Gingival Display (EGD)
  • Diagnostic tools for Diagnosis OF EGD; Intraoral exam, Facial Exam, Cephalogram
  • Definition of Golden Ratio and its application in Dentistry and specifically in EGD
  • Etiology of EGD;

    1) Plaque or drug-induced gingival hyperplasia
    2) Altered/Delayed passive eruption
    3) Anterior dento-alveolar extrusion
    4) Vertical maxillary excess
    5) Short upper lip
    6) Hyperactive upper lip

  • Describing treatment modalities for each specific etiology
  • Case Presentation


  • Proper examination and correct diagnosis must be performed before treatment planning for
    patients with EGD
  • Understanding the etiology and treatment options is crucial in the treatment of these patients
  • Teamwork and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment is the key to a successful outcome


  • Proper examination and correct diagnosis must be performed before treatment planning for
    patients with EGD
  • Understanding the etiology and treatment options is crucial in the treatment of these patients
  • Teamwork and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment is the key to a successful outcome


Dr. Mahnaz Zandi is a board-certified periodontist. She is a graduate from the University of Southern California, where she completed a 3-year residency program in Periodontics and received a master’s degree of Science in Craniofacial Biology. She is also a current faculty member at the University of Southern California. Dr. Zandi is a Diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology. She maintains membership in the American Academy of Periodontology and the American Academy of osteointegration. Her many years of experience, as well as her research in Periodontology, make her an expert in implant placement, gum and bone surgery of the mouth and aesthetic periodontal surgery. Besides her expertise and technical proficiency, Dr. Zandi is incredibly caring and gentle with her patients and patient care is always her priority. Dr. Zandi’s practice is limited to Periodontics and Implant Surgery.


Dr. Mahnaz Zandi is a board-certified periodontist. She is a graduate from the University of Southern California, where she completed a 3-year residency program in Periodontics and received a master’s degree of Science in Craniofacial Biology. She is also a current faculty member at the University of Southern California. Dr. Zandi is a Diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology. She maintains membership in the American Academy of Periodontology and the American Academy of osteointegration. Her many years of experience, as well as her research in Periodontology, make her an expert in implant placement, gum and bone surgery of the mouth and aesthetic periodontal surgery. Besides her expertise and technical proficiency, Dr. Zandi is incredibly caring and gentle with her patients and patient care is always her priority. Dr. Zandi’s practice is limited to Periodontics and Implant Surgery.

Online Registration

Six and a half (6.5) hours of continuing education credit will be provided



215W. South Temple,
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

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